Package ansible-core

A radically simple IT automation system

Ansible is a radically simple model-driven configuration management,
multi-node deployment, and remote task execution system. Ansible works
over SSH and does not require any software or daemons to be installed
on remote nodes. Extension modules can be written in any language and
are transferred to managed machines automatically.

This is the base part of ansible (the engine).

Version: 2.18.4

General Commands

ansible Define and run a single task 'playbook' against a set of hosts
ansible-config View ansible configuration.
ansible-console REPL console for executing Ansible tasks.
ansible-doc plugin documentation tool
ansible-galaxy Perform various Role and Collection related operations.
ansible-inventory Show Ansible inventory information, by default it uses the inventory script JSON format
ansible-playbook Runs Ansible playbooks, executing the defined tasks on the targeted hosts.
ansible-pull pulls playbooks from a VCS repo and executes them on target host
ansible-vault encryption/decryption utility for Ansible data files