ttk_frame - Man Page
Simple container widget
ttk::frame pathName ?options?
A ttk::frame widget is a container, used to group other widgets together.
Standard Options
-class | -cursor | -padding |
-style | -takefocus |
See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options.
Widget-Specific Options
Command-Line Name: | -borderwidth |
Database Name: | borderWidth |
Database Class: | BorderWidth |
The desired width of the widget border. Defaults to 0. May be ignored depending on the theme used.
Command-Line Name: | -relief |
Database Name: | relief |
Database Class: | Relief |
One of the standard Tk border styles: flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken. Defaults to flat.
Command-Line Name: | -width |
Database Name: | width |
Database Class: | Width |
If specified, the widget's requested width in pixels.
Command-Line Name: | -height |
Database Name: | height |
Database Class: | Height |
If specified, the widget's requested height in pixels.
Widget Command
Frame widgets support the standard commands cget, configure, identify element, instate, state and style (see ttk::widget).
Note that if the pack, grid, or other geometry managers are used to manage the children of the frame, by the GM's requested size will normally take precedence over the frame widget's -width and -height options. pack propagate and grid propagate can be used to change this.
Styling Options
The class name for a ttk::frame is TFrame.
TFrame styling options configurable with ttk::style are:
- -background color
-relief relief
Some options are only available for specific themes.
See the ttk::style manual page for information on how to configure ttk styles.
When a new ttk::frame is created, it has no default event bindings; ttk::frames are not intended to be interactive.
See Also
ttk::widget(n), ttk::labelframe(n), frame(n)
widget, frame, container