tcl_idna - Man Page

Support for normalization of Internationalized Domain Names


package require tcl::idna 1.0

tcl::idna decode hostname
tcl::idna encode hostname
tcl::idna puny decode string ?case?
tcl::idna puny encode string ?case?
tcl::idna version


This package provides an implementation of the punycode scheme used in Internationalised Domain Names, and some access commands. (See RFC 3492 for a description of punycode.)

tcl::idna decode hostname

This command takes the name of a host that potentially contains punycode-encoded character sequences, hostname, and returns the hostname as might be displayed to the user. Note that there are often UNICODE characters that have extremely similar glyphs, so care should be taken with displaying hostnames to users.

tcl::idna encode hostname

This command takes the name of a host as might be displayed to the user, hostname, and returns the version of the hostname with characters not permitted in basic hostnames encoded with punycode.

tcl::idna puny subcommand ...

This command provides direct access to the basic punycode encoder and decoder. It supports two subcommands:

tcl::idna puny decode string ?case?

This command decodes the punycode-encoded string, string, and returns the result. If case is provided, it is a boolean to make the case be folded to upper case (if case is true) or lower case (if case is false) during the decoding process; if omitted, no case transformation is applied.

tcl::idna puny encode string ?case?

This command encodes the string, string, and returns the punycode-encoded version of the string. If case is provided, it is a boolean to make the case be folded to upper case (if case is true) or lower case (if case is false) during the encoding process; if omitted, no case transformation is applied.

tcl::idna version

This returns the version of the tcl::idna package.


This is an example of how punycoding of a string works:

package require tcl::idna

puts [tcl::idna puny encode "abc→def"]
#    prints: abcdef-kn2c
puts [tcl::idna puny decode "abcdef-kn2c"]
#    prints: abc→def

See Also

http(n), cookiejar(n)


internet, www


0.1 http Tcl Bundled Packages