xfs_scrub_all - Man Page
scrub all mounted XFS filesystems
xfs_scrub_all attempts to read and check all the metadata on all mounted XFS filesystems. The online scrub is performed via the xfs_scrub tool, either by running it directly or by using systemd to start it in a restricted fashion. Mounted filesystems are mapped to physical storage devices so that scrub operations can be run in parallel so long as no two scrubbers access the same device simultaneously.
- --auto-media-scan-interval
Automatically enable the file data scan (i.e. the -x flag) if it has not been run in the specified interval. The interval must be a floating point number with an optional unit suffix. Supported unit suffixes are y, q, mo, w, d, h, m, and s for years, 90-day quarters, 30-day months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively. If no units are specified, the default is seconds.
- --auto-media-scan-stamp
Path to a file that will record the last time the media scan was run. Defaults to /var/lib/xfsprogs/xfs_scrub_all_media.stamp.
- -h
Display help.
- -x
Read all file data extents to look for disk errors.
- -V
Prints the version number and exits.
Exit Code
The exit code returned by xfs_scrub_all is the sum of the following conditions:
0 - No errors
4 - File system errors left uncorrected
8 - Operational error
16 - Usage or syntax error
These are the same error codes returned by xfs_scrub.