trace6 - Man Page


trace6 [-abdtu] [-s src6] interface targetaddress [port]


  -a       insert a hop-by-hop header with router alert option.
  -D       insert a destination extension header
  -E       insert a destination extension header with an invalid option
  -F       insert a one-shot fragmentation header
  -b       instead of an ICMP6 Ping, use TooBig (you will not see the target)
  -B       instead of an ICMP6 Ping, use PingReply (you will not see the target)
  -d       resolves the IPv6 addresses to DNS.
  -t       enables tunnel detection
  -u       use UDP instead of TCP if a port is supplied
  -r       raw mode (for adapters networks that have no ethernet)
  -s src6  specifies the source IPv6 address
Maximum hop reach: 31

A basic but very fast traceroute6 program.
If no port is specified, ICMP6 Ping requests are used, otherwise TCP SYN
packets to the specified port. Options D, E and F can be use multiple times.


thc-ipv6 was written by van Hauser <> / THC

The homepage for this toolkit is:


2025-02-10 THC IPv6