tgt-admin - Man Page

Linux SCSI Target Configuration Tool


tgt-admin [-e --execute] [--delete <value>] [--offline <value>] [--ready <value>] [-s --show] [-C --control-port <NNNN>] [-c --conf <file>] [--ignore-errors] [-f --force] [-p --pretend] [--dump] [-v --verbose] [-h --help]


tgt-admin is a utility which allows a persistent configuration of targets and luns. It uses tgtadm commands to create, delete and show targets.


-e,  --execute

Read /etc/tgt/targets.conf and execute tgtadm commands. If the target already exists, it won't be processed. See --update.

-d,  --delete <value>

Delete all or selected targets. The target will be deleted only if it's not used (no initiator is connected to it).

If you want to delete targets which are in use, you have to add the "--force" flag.

Example usage:
    --delete ALL            - delete all targets
    --delete tid=4          - delete target 4
                              (target with tid 4)
                            - delete this target

Put all or selected targets in offline state.

Example usage:
    --offline ALL           - offline all targets
    --offline tid=4         - offline target 4
                              (target with tid 4)
                            - offline this target

Put all or selected targets in ready state.

Example usage:
    --ready ALL             - ready all targets
    --ready tid=4           - ready target 4
                              (target with tid 4)
                            - ready this target
--update <value>

Update all or selected targets. The target will be updated only if it's not used (no initiator is connected to it).

If you want to update targets which are in use, you have to add "--force" flag.

Example usage:
    --update ALL             - ready all targets
    --update tid=4           - ready target 4
                               (target with tid 4)
                             - update this target
-s,  --show

Show all the targets.

-C,  --control-port <NNNN>

It is possible to run multiple concurrent instances of tgtd on a host. This argument is used to control which instance the tgt-admin command will operate on.

-c,  --conf <configuration file>

Specify an alternative configuration file instead of /etc/tgt/targets.conf, which is the default.


Continue even if tgtadm exits with non-zero code.

-f,  --force

Force some operations even if the target is in use.

-p,  --pretend

Only print tgtadm options which would be used; don't execute any actions. Assumes -v.


Dump current tgtd configuration. Note: does not include detailed parameters, like write caching.

-v,  --verbose

Increase verbosity (show tgtadm commands used).

-h,  --help

Display a list of available options and exit.



Configuration file for tgt-admin.


Example configuration file for tgt-admin.

See Also

targets.conf(5), tgtd(8), tgtadm(8), tgtimg(8), tgt-setup-lun(8).

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <>

Referenced By

tgtadm(8), tgt-setup-lun(8).
