systemd-timedated.service - Man Page

Time and date bus mechanism





systemd-timedated.service is a system service that may be used as a mechanism to change the system clock and timezone, as well as to enable/disable network time synchronization. systemd-timedated is automatically activated on request and terminates itself when it is unused.

The tool timedatectl(1) is a command line client to this service.

systemd-timedated currently offers access to the following four settings:

See org.freedesktop.timedate1(5) and org.freedesktop.LogControl1(5) for information about the D-Bus API.

List of Network Time Synchronization Services

systemd-timedated will look for files with a ".list" extension in ntp-units.d/ directories. Each file is parsed as a list of unit names, one per line. Empty lines and lines with comments ("#") are ignored. Files are read from /usr/lib/systemd/ntp-units.d/ and the corresponding directories under /etc/, /run/, /usr/local/lib/. Files in /etc/ override files with the same name in /run/, /usr/local/lib/, and /usr/lib/. Files in /run/ override files with the same name under /usr/. Packages should install their configuration files in /usr/lib/ (distribution packages) or /usr/local/lib/ (local installs).

Example 1. ntp-units.d/ entry for systemd-timesyncd

# /usr/lib/systemd/ntp-units.d/80-systemd-timesync.list

If the environment variable $SYSTEMD_TIMEDATED_NTP_SERVICES is set, systemd-timedated will parse the contents of that variable as a colon-separated list of unit names. When set, this variable overrides the file-based list described above.

Example 2. An override that specifies that chronyd should be used if available


See Also

systemd(1), timedatectl(1), localtime(5), hwclock(8), systemd-timesyncd(8), org.freedesktop.timedate1(5)

Referenced By

localtime(5), org.freedesktop.timedate1(5), systemd.directives(7), systemd.index(7), timedatectl(1).

The man page systemd-timedated(8) is an alias of systemd-timedated.service(8).

systemd 257.4