secilc - Man Page

invoke the SELinux Common Intermediate Language (CIL) Compiler


secilc [OPTION...] file


secilc invokes the CIL compiler with the specified arguments to build a kernel binary policy. A file_contexts file will also be built as described in the FILE FORMAT section of file_contexts(5).


-o,  --output=<file>

Write binary policy to file (default: policy.version)

-f,  --filecontext=<file>

Write file contexts to file (default: file_contexts)

-t,  --target=<type>

Specify target architecture. May be selinux or xen (default: selinux)

-M,  --mls true|false

Build an mls policy. Must be true or false. This will override the (mls boolean) statement if present in the policy.

-c,  --policyvers=<version>

Build a binary policy with a given version (default: depends on the systems SELinux policy version, see sestatus(8))

-U,  --handle-unknown=<action>

How to handle unknown classes or permissions. May be deny, allow, or reject (default: deny). This will override the (handleunknown action) statement if present in the policy.

-D,  --disable-dontaudit

Do not add dontaudit rules to the binary policy.

-P,  --preserve-tunables

Treat tunables as booleans.

-Q,  --qualified-names

Allow names containing dots (qualified names). Blocks, blockinherits, blockabstracts, and in-statements will not be allowed.

-m,  --multiple-decls

Allow some statements to be re-declared.

-N,  --disable-neverallow

Do not check neverallow rules.

-G,  --expand-generated

Expand and remove auto-generated attributes

-X,  --attrs-size <size>

Expand type attributes with fewer than <SIZE> members.

-O,  --optimize

Optimize final policy (remove redundant rules).

-v,  --verbose

Increment verbosity level.

-h,  --help

Display usage information.

See Also

file_contexts(5), sestatus(8)

HTML documentation describing the CIL language statements is available starting with docs/html/index.html.

PDF documentation describing the CIL language statements is available at: docs/pdf/CIL_Reference_Guide.pdf.

There is a CIL Design Wiki at: that describes the goals and features of the CIL language.


Richard Haines

Referenced By

secil2conf(8), secil2tree(8).

07/20/2024 SELinux CIL Compiler