pki-server-cert - Man Page

Command-Line Interface for managing System Certificates.


pki-server [CLI-options] cert
pki-server [CLI-options] cert-find
pki-server [CLI-options] cert-show cert-ID
pki-server [CLI-options] cert-update cert-ID
pki-server [CLI-options] cert-create cert-ID
pki-server [CLI-options] cert-import cert-ID
pki-server [CLI-options] cert-export cert-ID
pki-server [CLI-options] cert-del cert-ID
pki-server [CLI-options] cert-fix


The pki-server cert commands provide command-line interfaces to manage system certificates.

pki-server cert commands perform system certificate related operations on a specific CS instance. All pki-server cert commands require specification of the cert-ID to identify the target certificate.

pki-server [CLI-options] cert
   List all available cert commands.

pki-server [CLI-options] cert-find
   List all available system certificates.

pki-server [CLI-options] cert-show cert-ID
   Display details of a system certificate.

pki-server [CLI-options] cert-update cert-ID
   Update corresponding subsystem's CS.cfg with the system certificate data and CSR from NSS db

pki-server [CLI-options] cert-create cert-ID
   Create a new system certificate.

pki-server [CLI-options] cert-import cert-ID
   Import a system certificate into NSS database and update the corresponding subsystem's CS.cfg.

pki-server [CLI-options] cert-export cert-ID
   Export a system certificate or its CSR or its PKCS #12 to a file.

pki-server [CLI-options] cert-del cert-ID
   Remove a system certificate from NSS db.

pki-server [CLI-options] cert-fix
   Fix all expired certs in the PKI instance.

To view each command's usage, type pki-server cert-<command> --help.

All pki-server commands must be executed as the system administrator.


The other CLI options are described in pki-server(8).

See Also



Dinesh Prasanth M K <> and Endi S Dewata <>

Referenced By


February 1, 2019 pki-server-cert CLI