occtl - Man Page

OpenConnect VPN server control tool


occtl [´COMMAND´]


This a control tool that can be used to send commands to ocserv. When called without any arguments the tool can be used interactively, where each command is entered on a command prompt; alternatively the tool can be called with the command specified as parameter. In the latter case the tool´s exit code will reflect the successful execution of the command.


-s,  --socket-file=FILE

Specify the server´s occtl socket file. This option is only needed if you have multiple servers.

-j,  --json

Output will be JSON formatted. This option can only be used with non-interactive output, e.g., ´occtl --json show users´.

-n,  --no-pager

No pager will be used over output data.


Provide more verbose information in some commands.

-h,  --help

Display usage information and exit.

-v,  --version

Output version of program and exit.

Exit Status


Successful program execution.


The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.

Implementation Notes

This tool uses unix domain sockets to connect to ocserv.


The tool can be run interactively when run with no arguments. When arguments are given they are interpreted as commands. For example:

$ occtl show users

Any command line arguments to be used as options must precede the command (if any), as shown below.

$ occtl --json show users


Written by Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos. Many people have contributed to it.

Reporting Bugs

Issue tracker: https://gitlab.com/openconnect/ocserv/-/issues

See Also

ocserv(8), ocpasswd(8)

Referenced By

ocpasswd(8), ocserv(8).

April 2024