nutdrv_qx - Man Page

Driver for Q* protocol serial and USB based UPS equipment


nutdrv_qx -h

nutdrv_qx -a UPS_NAME [OPTIONS]


This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the nutdrv_qx driver. For information about the core driver, see nutupsdrv(8).

Supported Hardware

The nutdrv_qx driver is known to work with various UPSes from Armac, Blazer, Energy Sistem, Fenton Technologies, General Electric, Hunnox, Masterguard, Mustek, Powercool, Voltronic Power, SKE (rebranded by many, many - have I said many? - others...

Long story short: if your UPS came with a software called Viewpower, chances are high that it works with this driver with one of the voltronic* protocols or with the mecer one), and many others.

The NUT compatibility table lists all the known supported models. Keep in mind, however, that other models not listed there may also be supported, but haven’t been tested or reported back.

All devices with a serial interface and many with a USB interface are supported.

Extra Arguments

You may need to override or provide defaults for some values, depending on the make and model of your UPS.

The following are the ones that most likely will need changing (see ups.conf(5)):

ondelay = value

Time to wait before switching on the UPS (seconds). This value is truncated to units of 60 seconds.

Note that a value below 3 minutes, may cause earlier firmware versions to not switch on automatically, so it defaults to 3 minutes (i.e. 180 seconds).

This option provides a default value for ups.delay.start that will then be used by the driver in the automatic shutdown sequence (i.e. calling the driver with the -k option, calling upsdrvctl(8) with the shutdown option or when the FSD flag is set and upsmon(8) enters its shutdown sequence): however you can change this value ‘on the fly’ for the actual session, only for the use with instant commands, setting ups.delay.start with upsrw(8).

offdelay = value

Time to wait before shutting down the UPS (seconds). This value is truncated to units of 6 seconds (less than 60 seconds) or 60 seconds (more than 60 seconds). Defaults to 30 seconds.

This option provides a default value for ups.delay.shutdown that will then be used by the driver in the automatic shutdown sequence (i.e. calling the driver with the -k option, calling upsdrvctl(8) with the shutdown option or when the FSD flag is set and upsmon(8) enters its shutdown sequence): however you can change this value ‘on the fly’ for the actual session, only for the use with instant commands, setting ups.delay.shutdown with upsrw(8).


If you set stayoff in ups.conf(5) when FSD arises the UPS will call a shutdown.stayoff shutting down after ups.delay.shutdown seconds and won’t return (see Known Problems), otherwise (standard behaviour) the UPS will call shutdown.return shutting down after ups.delay.shutdown seconds and then turn on after ups.delay.start seconds (if mains meanwhile returned).

protocol = string

Skip autodetection of the protocol to use and only use the one specified. Supported values: bestups, hunnox, masterguard, mecer, megatec, megatec/old, mustek, q1, voltronic, voltronic-qs, voltronic-qs-hex and zinto.

Run the driver program with the --help option to see the exact list of protocol values it would currently recognize.

Note that if you end up using the q1 protocol, you may want to give a try to the mecer, megatec and zinto ones setting the novendor/norating flags (only one, or both).

pollfreq = num

Set polling interval for full updates, in seconds, to reduce the message traffic. Between two polling requests, the driver will do quick polls dealing just with ups.status at an interval specified by the pollinterval driver option (details in ups.conf(5)). The default value is 30 (in seconds).

If your UPS doesn’t report either battery.charge or battery.runtime you may want to add the following ones in order to have guesstimated values:

default.battery.voltage.high = value

Maximum battery voltage that is reached after about 12 to 24 hours charging. If you want the driver to report a guesstimated battery.charge, you need to specify this (see Battery Charge Guesstimation).

default.battery.voltage.low = value

Minimum battery voltage just before the UPS automatically shuts down. If you want the driver to report a guesstimated battery.charge, you need to specify this (see Battery Charge Guesstimation).

default.battery.voltage.nominal = value, override.battery.voltage.nominal = value

Some devices show a wrong nominal battery voltage (or none at all), so you may need to override or set a default value.

override.battery.packs = value

Some devices "natively" report just a part of the total battery voltage (see also battery_voltage_reports_one_pack below).

For instance, if battery.voltage.nominal is 24 V, but it reports a battery.voltage of around 2 V, the number of battery.packs to correct this reading would be 12.

The driver will attempt to detect this number automatically, but if this fails somehow, you may want to override this value.

Note that this is primarily useful for "guesstimation" of battery.charge and/or battery.runtime (with runtimecal setting), if those readings are not provided by the device directly.


Some devices "natively" report just report a part of the total battery voltage (see also override.battery.packs above, if that value is not reported by the device or properly guessed by the driver otherwise).

If this flag is set, most of the subdrivers (except those which know about more complicated device-specific nuances, currently: ablerex, masterguard and voltronic-qs-hex) adjust their ultimately reported battery.voltage value as a multiple of battery.packs and "native" battery.voltage).

Note this is primarily useful for consistent diagnostics and graphing of the numbers, and should not impact the "guesstimation" of battery.charge and/or battery.runtime - so rather a cosmetic adjustment, than critical.

runtimecal = value,value,value,value

Parameter used in the (optional) runtime estimation. This takes two runtimes at different loads. Typically, this uses the runtime at full load and the runtime at half load. For instance, if your UPS has a rated runtime of 240 seconds at full load and 720 seconds at half load, you would enter

runtimecal = 240,100,720,50

The first load should always be higher than the second. If you have values available for loads other than 100 and 50 % respectively, you can use those too, but keep them spaced apart as far as reasonably possible. Just don’t get too close to no load (prediction of runtime depends more on idle load for the battery then).

chargetime = value

The time needed to fully recharge the battery after being fully discharged. If not specified, the driver defaults to 43200 seconds (12 hours). Only used if runtimecal is also specified.

idleload = value

Minimum battery load used by the driver to estimate the runtime. If not specified, the driver defaults to 10%. Only used if runtimecal is also specified.

Bestups, Mecer, Megataec, Megatec/Old, Mustek, Q1, Voltronic-Qs, Voltronic-Qs-Hex, Zinto Protocols


Some UPSes incorrectly report the ‘Shutdown Active’ bit as always on, consequently making the driver believe the UPS is nearing a shutdown (and, as a result, ups.status always contains FSD... and you know what this means). Setting this flag will make the driver ignore the ‘Shutdown Active’ bit.

Mecer, Megataec, Megatec/Old, Mustek, Zinto Protocols


The acceptable range is 0..599940 seconds.


The acceptable range is 12..600 seconds.


Some UPSes will lock up if you attempt to read rating information from them. Setting this flag will make the driver skip this step.


Some UPSes will lock up if you attempt to read vendor information from them. Setting this flag will make the driver skip this step.

Bestups Protocol


The acceptable range is 60..599940 seconds.


The acceptable range is 12..5940 seconds.

pins_shutdown_mode = value

Set shutdown mode functionality of Pin 1 and Pin 7 on the UPS DB9 communication port (Per Best Power’s EPS-0059) to value [0..6].

Masterguard Protocol

slave_addr = value

Make the claim function verify it’s talking to the specified slave address ( Safeguard against talking to the wrong one of several identical UPSes on the same USB bus. Note that when changing (through upsrw(8)) the driver will continue to talk to the UPS with the new slave address, but won’t claim it again on restart until the slave_addr parameter is adjusted.

Q1 Protocol


The acceptable range is 0..599940 seconds.


The acceptable range is 12..600 seconds.

Voltronic-Qs, Voltronic-Qs-Hex Protocols


The acceptable range is 60..599940 seconds.


The acceptable range is 12..540 seconds.

Voltronic Protocol

The following options are supported only by the voltronic protocol. Not all of them are available on all the UPSes supported by this protocol.


The acceptable range is 0..599940 seconds.


The acceptable range is 12..5940 seconds.

battery_number = value

Set number of batteries that make a pack to value [1..9]. This setting will change the charge and runtime estimation reported by the UPS.

output_phase_angle = value

Changes output phase angle to the provided value [000, 120, 180, 240]°.



Reset capability options and their voltage and frequency limits to safe default values. (Doable only when the UPS is in Standby Mode)

Note that setting this option will reset also,, battery.energysave, ups.start.battery, outlet.0.switchable, input.transfer.high, input.transfer.low, input.frequency.high and input.frequency.low.

These UPSes can be fine-tuned to suit your needs enabling or disabling the following options (the driver should tell you which one the UPS is capable of on startup: the settable ones will be reported either are enabled or disabled in the logs):

alarm_control = string

Enable or disable alarm (BEEP!) [enabled/disabled]. Settable also ‘on the fly’ with beeper.enable and beeper.disable instant commands.

bypass_alarm = string

Enable or disable alarm (BEEP!) at Bypass Mode [enabled/disabled].

battery_alarm = string

Enable or disable alarm (BEEP!) at Battery Mode [enabled/disabled].

bypass_when_off = string

Enable or disable bypass when the UPS is Off [enabled/disabled]. If enabled, AC will directly provide power to connected devices when the UPS is off.

bypass_forbidding = string

Enable or disable Bypass Forbidding [enabled/disabled]. If enabled, the UPS will not transfer to bypass mode under any condition.

converter_mode = string

Enable or disable Converter Mode [enabled/disabled]. When input frequency is within 40 Hz to 70 Hz, the UPS can be set at a constant output frequency, 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The UPS will still charge battery under this mode.

eco_mode = string

Enable or disable ECO Mode [enabled/disabled]. When input voltage/frequency are within acceptable range, the UPS will bypass voltage to output for energy saving. PFC and INVERTER are still active at this mode. Settable also ‘on the fly’ with bypass.start and bypass.stop instant commands.

advanced_eco_mode = string

Enable or disable Advanced ECO Mode [enabled/disabled]. When input voltage/frequency are within acceptable range, the UPS will bypass voltage to output for energy saving. PFC and INVERTER are off at this mode.

battery_open_status_check = string

Enable or disable Battery Open Status Check [enabled/disabled]. If enabled, when the UPS is turned on, it will check if the battery is connected or not.

site_fault_detection = string

Enable or disable site fault detection [enabled/disabled]. If enabled, the UPS will beep when the input neutral and hot wires are reversed.

constant_phase_angle = string

Enable or disable Constant Phase Angle Function (output and input phase angles are not equal) [enabled/disabled].

limited_runtime_on_battery = string

Enable or disable limited runtime on battery mode [enabled/disabled].


Variables to fine-tune voltage and frequency limits for Bypass mode. These limits are reset to safe default values by reset_to_default.

If AC voltage and frequency are within acceptable range, Bypass mode will be used (If the UPS is capable of and it’s enabled).

Since these values are device-specific, if your UPS support them, you will get their settable limits printed in the logs on startup.

max_bypass_volt = value

Maximum voltage for Bypass Mode (V).

min_bypass_volt = value

Minimum voltage for Bypass Mode (V).

max_bypass_freq = value

Maximum frequency for Bypass Mode (Hz).

min_bypass_freq = value

Minimum frequency for Bypass Mode (Hz).


The following options are available only on P31 UPSes.

work_range_type = string

Device grid working range for P31 UPSes [Appliance/UPS].


This protocol comes with a couple of functions that are not enabled by default because of the lack of knowledge of some part of the communication protocol used by these UPSes by your friendly neighborhood developer. Since these functions are supposed to be queries to the UPS for some kind of information, they should not make your UPS go boom. So if you are brave enough to risk your UPS and attached devices' life to help the developers, this will be very appreciated.. Do it at your own risk.


If invoked the driver will exec also commands that still need testing.

Serial Interface Only

cablepower = string

By default the driver will set DTR and clear RTS (normal). If you find that your UPS isn’t detected or the communication with the UPS is unreliable, you may try if clear DTR and set RTS (reverse), set DTR and RTS (both) or clear DTR and RTS (none) improves this situation.

USB Interface Only

port = string

Some value must be set, typically auto.

This could be a device filesystem path like /dev/usb/hiddev0 but current use of libusb API precludes knowing and matching by such identifiers. They may also be inherently unreliable (dependent on re-plugging and enumeration order). At this time the actual value is ignored, but syntactically some port configuration must still be there.

It is possible to control multiple UPS units simultaneously by running several instances of this driver, provided they can be uniquely distinguished by setting some combination of the vendor, product, vendorid, productid, serial, bus and/or device options detailed below. For devices or operating systems that do not provide sufficient information, the allow_duplicates option can be of use (limited and risky!)

vendorid = regex, productid = regex, vendor = regex, product = regex, serial = regex

Select a specific UPS, in case there is more than one connected via USB. Each option specifies an extended regular expression (see regex(7) for more information on regular expressions), which must match the UPS’s entire respective vendor/product/serial string (minus any surrounding whitespace), or the whole 4-digit hexadecimal code for vendorid and productid.

Try lsusb(8) or running this NUT driver with -DD command-line argument for finding out the strings to match.


  • -x vendor="Foo.Corporation.*"
  • -x vendorid="051d*" (APC)
  • -x product=".*(Smart|Back)-?UPS.*"
bus = regex

Select a UPS on a specific USB bus or group of buses. The argument is a regular expression that must match the bus name where the UPS is connected (e.g. bus="002" or bus="00[2-3]") as seen on Linux in /sys/bus/usb/devices or lsusb(8); including leading zeroes.

device = regex

Select a UPS on a specific USB device or group of devices. The argument is a regular expression that must match the device name where the UPS is connected (e.g. device="001" or device="00[1-2]") as seen on Linux in /sys/bus/usb/devices or lsusb(8); including leading zeroes.

device numbers are not guaranteed by the OS to be stable across re-boots or device re-plugging.

busport = regex

If supported by the hardware, OS and libusb on the particular deployment, this option should allow to specify physical port numbers on an USB hub, rather than logical device enumeration values, and in turn — this should be less volatile across reboots or re-plugging. The value may be seen in the USB topology output of lsusb -tv on systems with that tool, for example.

this option is not practically supported by some NUT builds (it should be ignored with a warning then), and not by all systems that NUT can run on.


If you have several UPS devices which may not be uniquely identified by the options above (e.g. only VID:PID can be discovered there), this flag allows each driver instance where it is set to take the first match if available, or proceed to try another.

Normally the driver initialization would abort at this point claiming "Resource busy" or similar error, assuming that the otherwise properly matched device is unique — and some other process already handles it.

This feature is inherently non-deterministic! The association of driver instance name to actual device may vary between runs!

If you only care to know that at least one of your no-name UPSes is online, this option can help.

If you must really know which one, it will not!

usb_set_altinterface = bAlternateSetting

Force redundant call to usb_set_altinterface(), especially if needed for devices serving multiple USB roles where the UPS is not represented by the interface number 0 (default).

usb_config_index, usb_hid_rep_index, usb_hid_desc_index, usb_hid_ep_in, usb_hid_ep_out

Force use of specific interface, endpoint, descriptor index etc. numbers, rather than defaulting to 0 (rarely other values in certain drivers for some devices known to use non-zero numbers). Specified as a hexadecimal number.

As a rule of thumb for usb_hid_desc_index discovery, you can see larger wDescriptorLength values (roughly 600+ bytes) in reports of lsusb or similar tools.

subdriver = string

Select a serial-over-USB subdriver to use. You have a choice between cypress, fabula, fuji, hunnox, ippon, krauler, phoenix, phoenixtec, sgs, snr, armac and ablerex.

Run the driver program with the --help option to see the exact list of subdriver values it would currently recognize.

When using this option, it is mandatory to also specify the vendorid and productid matching parameters.

langid_fix = value

Apply the language ID workaround to the krauler subdriver. This is mandatory for some devices to work (LDLC, Dynamix and others). You must provide value (0x409 or 0x4095), according to your device entry in NUT hardware compatibility list (HCL).


If this flag is set, don’t autoscan valid range for langid.


armac subdriver

The Armac communication subdriver reproduces a communication protocol used by an old release of "PowerManagerII" software, which doesn’t seem to be Armac specific: its banner is "2004 Richcomm Technologies, Inc. Dec 27 2005 ver 1.1." Maybe other Richcomm UPSes would work with this — maybe better than with the older standalone richcomm_usb driver.

fabula subdriver

This subdriver, meant to be used with the megatec protocol, does not support the various test.battery commands. Plus, the shutdown.return command ignores the values set in ups.delay.start/ondelay and makes the UPS turn on the load as soon as power is back.

hunnox subdriver

This protocol subdriver is closely related to fabula one, with a few tweaks for devices not directly supported by that driver.

fuji subdriver

This subdriver, meant to be used with the megatec protocol, does not support the shutdown.stayoff and commands. Plus, the shutdown.return command ignores the values set in ups.delay.start/ondelay and makes the UPS turn on the load as soon as power is back.

krauler subdriver

This subdriver, meant to be used with the megatec protocol, does not support the shutdown commands, i.e.: shutdown.return, shutdown.stayoff and

snr subdriver

This subdriver, meant to be used with the megatec protocol, does not support the shutdown commands, i.e.: shutdown.return, shutdown.stayoff and

Ups Commands

This driver supports some instant commands (see upscmd(8)):


Toggle the UPS beeper. (Not available on some hardware)


Turn on the load immediately. (Not available on some hardware)

Turn off the load immediately (see Known Problems).


Turn off the load and return when power is back. Uses the timers defined by ups.delay.start and ups.delay.shutdown.


Turn off the load and remain off (see Known Problems). Uses the timer defined by ups.delay.shutdown.


Stop a shutdown in progress.


Perform a long battery test. (Not available on some hardware)


Perform a quick (10 second) battery test.


Stop a running battery test. (Not available on some hardware)

Bestups, Mecer, Megatec, Megatec/Old, Mustek, Q1, Zinto Protocols

test.battery.start value

Perform a battery test for the duration of value seconds (truncated to 60 seconds) [60..5940].

Masterguard Protocol


Enable the UPS beeper.


Disable the UPS beeper.

test.battery.start value

Perform a battery test for the duration of value seconds (truncated to 60 seconds) [0..5940]. This value is truncated to units of 6 seconds (less than 60 seconds) or 60 seconds (more than 60 seconds).


Put the UPS in bypass mode


Take the UPS in normal mode


test.battery.start value

Perform a battery test for the duration of value seconds (truncated to 60 seconds) [12..5940]. This value is truncated to units of 6 seconds (less than 60 seconds) or 60 seconds (more than 60 seconds).

Voltronic Protocol

The following instant commands are available for the voltronic protocol. Not all of them are available on all the UPSes supported by this protocol.


Enable the UPS beeper.


Disable the UPS beeper.

test.battery.start value

Perform a battery test for the duration of value seconds [12..5940]. This value is truncated to units of 6 seconds (less than 60 seconds) or 60 seconds (more than 60 seconds).

Turn off outlet 1 load immediately.


Turn on outlet 1 load immediately.

Turn off outlet 2 load immediately.


Turn on outlet 2 load immediately.

Turn off outlet 3 load immediately.


Turn on outlet 3 load immediately.

Turn off outlet 4 load immediately.


Turn on outlet 4 load immediately.


Put the UPS in ECO Mode.


Take the UPS out of ECO Mode.

Battery Charge Guesstimation

Due to popular demand, this driver will report a guesstimated battery.charge and optionally battery.runtime, provided you specified a couple of the Extra Arguments listed above.

If you specify both battery.voltage.high and battery.voltage.low in ups.conf(5), but don’t enter runtimecal, it will guesstimate the state of charge by looking at the battery voltage alone. This is not reliable under load, as this only gives reasonably accurate readings if you disconnect the load, let the battery rest for a couple of minutes and then measure the open cell voltage. This just isn’t practical if the power went out and the UPS is providing power for your systems.

                     battery.voltage - battery.voltage.low
battery.charge =  ------------------------------------------ x 100 %
                  battery.voltage.high - battery.voltage.low

There is a way to get better readings without disconnecting the load but this requires one to keep track on how much (and how fast) current is going in and out of the battery. If you specified the runtimecal, the driver will attempt to do this. Note however, that this heavily relies on the values you enter and that the UPS must be able to report the load as well. There are quite a couple of devices that report 0 % (or any other fixed value) at all times, in which case this obviously doesn’t work.

The driver also has no way of determining the degradation of the battery capacity over time, so you’ll have to deal with this yourself (by adjusting the values in runtimecal). Also note that the driver guesses the initial state of charge based on the battery voltage, so this may be less than 100 %, even when you are certain that they are full. There is just no way to reliably measure this between 0 and 100 % full charge.

This is better than nothing (but not by much). If any of the above calculations is giving you incorrect readings, you are the one that put in the values in ups.conf(5), so don’t complain with the author. If you need something better, buy a UPS that reports battery.charge and battery.runtime all by itself without the help of a NUT driver.

Notes for the Previous User of Megatec Drivers

The nutdrv_qx driver having replaced the megatec ones, some configuration changes may be required by users switching to nutdrv_qx.

Part of this, the following megatec options, in ups.conf(5), have to be changed:


You need to use default.battery.voltage.high and default.battery.voltage.low

dtr and rts

You need to use cablepower


This parameter can simply be discarded, since it was a wrong understanding of the specification.

Notes for the Previous User of Blazer Drivers

The nutdrv_qx driver having replaced the blazer ones, some configuration changes may be required by users switching to nutdrv_qx.

Part of this, the following blazer options, in ups.conf(5), have to be changed:


While the previous blazer drivers expected minutes, the new nutdrv_qx driver wants seconds.

The following instant command has also been changed:

test.battery.start value

While the old blazer drivers expected a value in minutes, the nutdrv_qx driver wants a value in seconds.

Notes for the Previous User of Bestups Driver

The nutdrv_qx driver having replaced the bestups one, some configuration changes may be required by users switching to nutdrv_qx.

Part of this, the following bestups options, in ups.conf(5), are no longer supported by this driver:

nombattvolt,  battvoltmult

See Battery Charge Guesstimation.



Notes for the Previous User of Voltronic Drivers

The nutdrv_qx driver having replaced the voltronic ones, some configuration changes may be required by users switching to nutdrv_qx.

Part of this, the following voltronic options, in ups.conf(5), have to be changed:


While the previous voltronic drivers expected minutes, the new nutdrv_qx driver wants seconds. It no longer defaults to 0 minutes but to 3 minutes (i.e. 180 seconds) for compatibility with the users switching from the old blazer drivers.


This option has been renamed to battery_number.

The following options are no longer supported by this driver, you can now change them more conveniently ‘on the fly’ calling upsrw(8) with the appropriate NUT variable - provided that your UPS supports them.


Set number of battery packs in parallel [1..99]. This setting will change the charge and runtime estimation reported by the UPS.

Set minimum battery voltage just before the UPS automatically shuts down. This setting will change the charge and runtime estimation reported by the UPS.

Enable or disable auto reboot [enabled/disabled]. If enabled, the UPS will auto recover when AC power returns.

Enable or disable battery deep discharge protection [enabled/disabled].

Enable or disable Green power function [enabled/disabled]. If enabled, for energy saving, the UPS will auto off when there is no load.

Enable or disable Cold Start [enabled/disabled]. If enabled, the UPS can be turned on also if AC is not connected to the UPS.

Enable or disable programmable outlets control at battery mode [enabled/disabled]. If enabled, the UPS will cut off programmable outlets after backup time (set through outlet.{1,2,3,4}.delay.shutdown) arrives. If disabled, the UPS will provide continuous power to programmable outlets until the battery is running out.

Maximum voltage for ECO Mode (V). If AC voltage is within acceptable range, ECO mode will be used (If the UPS is capable of and it’s enabled).

Minimum voltage for ECO Mode (V). If AC voltage is within acceptable range, ECO mode will be used (If the UPS is capable of and it’s enabled).

Maximum frequency for ECO Mode (Hz). If AC frequency is within acceptable range, ECO mode will be used (If the UPS is capable of and it’s enabled).

Minimum frequency for ECO Mode (Hz). If AC frequency is within acceptable range, ECO mode will be used (If the UPS is capable of and it’s enabled).

Delay time before programmable outlet 1 shuts down the load when on battery mode [0..59940] (seconds).

Delay time before programmable outlet 2 shuts down the load when on battery mode [0..59940] (seconds).

Delay time before programmable outlet 3 shuts down the load when on battery mode [0..59940] (seconds).

Delay time before programmable outlet 4 shuts down the load when on battery mode [0..59940] (seconds).

Battery type (for P31 UPSes only) [Li/Flooded/AGM].

Known Problems

Some UPS commands aren’t supported by all models. In most cases, the driver will send a message to the system log when the user tries to execute an unsupported command. Unfortunately, some models don’t even provide a way for the driver to check for this, so the unsupported commands will silently fail.

Both the and shutdown.stayoff instant commands are meant to turn the load off indefinitely. However, some UPS models don’t allow this.

Some models report a bogus value for the beeper status (will always be enabled or disabled). So, the beeper.toggle command may appear to have no effect in the status reported by the driver when, in fact, it is working fine.

The temperature and load value is known to be bogus in some models.

Masterguard Units

The driver is supposed to support both "new" A series (A700/1000/2000/3000 and their -19 cousins) and E series (E60/100/200) but was tested only on A due to lack of E hardware.

Voltronic-Qs Units

Both and shutdown.stayoff instant commands are known to work as expected (i.e. turn the load off indefinitely) only if mains is present, otherwise, as soon as mains returns the load will be powered.

After issuing a shutdown.return instant command, the UPS won’t wait ondelay before powering on the load, provided the following conditions are met:

  • if the load has been previously (no matter how long before) powered off through and powered on through load.on/shutdown.stop and
  • if AC wasn’t cut after issuing the (i.e. the UPS didn’t turn itself off) and
  • if there’s a power outage after issuing the shutdown.return command

In this case, as soon as mains returns the load will be powered.

Voltronic-Qs-Hex Units

shutdown.return,, and shutdown.stayoff instant commands are known to work as expected only if mains is present, otherwise, as soon as mains returns the load will be powered.

Ups Warnings (Voltronic Protocol)

The UPSes supported by voltronic protocol report warnings through a 64bit flag (bit1bit2...bit63bit64) where 1 means that a warning arose, while 0 means no warning. Since more than one warning at a time can be signaled, and because of the limited space in the ups.alarm variable, if the length of the warnings exceeds that of ups.alarms variable, they will be reported as bits. If you want to know the explanation of that bit you can either watch the log or see the next table (unlisted bits equal to unknown warnings).

Table 1. UPS Warnings for voltronic UPSes

#Corresponding Warning
1Battery disconnected
2Neutral not connected
3Site fault
4Phase sequence incorrect
5Phase sequence incorrect in bypass
6Input frequency unstable in bypass
7Battery overcharged
8Low battery
9Overload alarm
10Fan alarm
11EPO enabled
12Unable to turn on UPS
13Over temperature alarm
14Charger alarm
15Remote auto shutdown
16L1 input fuse not working
17L2 input fuse not working
18L3 input fuse not working
19Positive PFC abnormal in L1
20Negative PFC abnormal in L1
21Positive PFC abnormal in L2
22Negative PFC abnormal in L2
23Positive PFC abnormal in L3
24Negative PFC abnormal in L3
25Abnormal in CAN-bus communication
26Abnormal in synchronous signal circuit
27Abnormal in synchronous pulse signal circuit
28Abnormal in host signal circuit
29Male connector of parallel cable not connected well
30Female connector of parallel cable not connected well
31Parallel cable not connected well
32Battery connection not consistent in parallel systems
33AC connection not consistent in parallel systems
34Bypass connection not consistent in parallel systems
35UPS model types not consistent in parallel systems
36Capacity of UPSs not consistent in parallel systems
37Auto restart setting not consistent in parallel systems
38Battery cell over charge
39Battery protection setting not consistent in parallel systems
40Battery detection setting not consistent in parallel systems
41Bypass not allowed setting not consistent in parallel systems
42Converter setting not consistent in parallel systems
43High loss point for frequency in bypass mode not consistent in parallel systems
44Low loss point for frequency in bypass mode not consistent in parallel systems
45High loss point for voltage in bypass mode not consistent in parallel systems
46Low loss point for voltage in bypass mode not consistent in parallel systems
47High loss point for frequency in AC mode not consistent in parallel systems
48Low loss point for frequency in AC mode not consistent in parallel systems
49High loss point for voltage in AC mode not consistent in parallel systems
50Low loss point for voltage in AC mode not consistent in parallel systems
51Warning for locking in bypass mode after 3 consecutive overloads within 30 min
52Warning for three-phase AC input current unbalance
53Warning for a three-phase input current unbalance detected in battery mode
54Warning for Inverter inter-current unbalance
55Programmable outlets cut off pre-alarm
56Warning for Battery replace
57Abnormal warning on input phase angle
58Warning!! Cover of maintain switch is open
62EEPROM operation error


See Also

blazer_ser(8), blazer_usb(8), nutupsdrv(8), ups.conf(5), upsc(8), upscmd(8), upsdrvctl(8), upsmon(8), upsrw(8)

Internet Resources

Referenced By

bestups(8), blazer_ser(8), blazer_usb(8), masterguard(8), nutdrv_atcl_usb(8), nutupsdrv(8), riello_ser(8), riello_usb(8), ups.conf(5), upsd(8).

07/03/2024 Network UPS Tools 2.8.2. NUT Manual