ledctl - Man Page
Intel(R) LED control application for a storage enclosures.
Examples (TL;DR)
- Turn on the "Locate" LED for specified device(s):
sudo ledctl locate=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,...
- Turn off the "Locate" LED for specified device(s):
sudo ledctl locate_off=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,...
- Turn off the "Status" LED and "Failure" LED for specified device(s):
sudo ledctl off=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,...
- Turn off the "Status" LED, "Failure" LED and "Locate" LED for specified device(s):
sudo ledctl normal=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,...
ledctl [MODE] [OPTIONS] ...
Ledctl is a user-space application designed to control LEDs associated with each slot in an enclosure or a drive bay. Root privileges are required for its operation.
The ledctl application facilitates LED management for SAS/SATA and PCIe storage devices.
Supported protocols/methods for LED management are:
- SES-2 and SMP for SAS devices,
- LED messages over SGPIO for SATA,
- VMD and NPEM for PCIe.
SAF-TE protocol is not supported.
For SAS/SATA storage, supporting controllers may transmit LED management information to the backplane controllers via the SGPIO interface. The SGPIO bus carries bit patterns, which translate into LED blink patterns in accordance with the International Blinking Pattern Interpretation (IBPI) of SFF-8489 specification for SGPIO. Please note some enclosures do not stick closely to the SFF-8489 specification. It might occur that the enclosure processor will accept the IBPI pattern but will not blink LEDs according to SFF-8489 specification. Or, it may have a limited number of patterns supported.
The ledctl application has been verified to work with Intel(R) storage controllers (i.e. Intel(R) AHCI controller and Intel(R) SAS controller). The application might work with storage controllers of other vendors (especially SCSI/SAS controllers). However, storage controllers of other vendors have not been tested.
The ledmon application has the highest priority when accessing LEDs. Meaning that some patterns set by ledctl may have no effect if ledmon is running (exception: Locate pattern).
The ledctl application is a part of Intel(R) Enclosure LED Utilities.
The ledctl utilizes the following documents as references:
- SGPIO (Serial GPIO) - SFF-8485
- IBPI (International Blinking Pattern Interpretation) - SFF-8489
- LED Enclosure management messages - AHCI specification rev 1.3, section 12.2.1.
- SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) - T10/1760-D
- SES-2 (SCSI Enclosure Services-2) - T10/1559-D
- SMP (Serial Management Protocol) - T10/1760-D
- NPEM (Native PCIe Enclosure Management) - PCIe base specification rev 4.0
VMD (Intel(R) Volume Management Device) - Intel(R) VROC (VMD NVMe RAID) Quick
Configuration Guide rev 1.2
Pattern Names
The ledctl application accepts the following names for pattern_name argument according to SFF-8489 specification.
- locate
Turns Locate LED associated with the given device(s) on.
- locate_off
Turns only Locate LED off.
- locate_and_failure
Turns Locate LED and Failure LED on.
- normal
Turns Status LED, Failure LED and Locate LED off.
- off
Turns only Status LED and Failure LED off.
- ica or degraded
Visualizes "In a Critical Array" pattern.
- rebuild
Visualizes "Rebuild" pattern.
- ifa or failed_array
Visualizes "In a Failed Array" pattern.
- hotspare
Visualizes "Hotspare" pattern.
- pfa
Visualizes "Predicted Failure Analysis" pattern.
- failure or disk_failed
Visualizes "Failure" pattern.
- ses_abort
- ses_rebuild
- ses_ifa
- ses_ica
- ses_cons_check
- ses_hotspare
- ses_rsvd_dev
- ses_ok
- ses_ident
- ses_rm
- ses_insert
- ses_missing
- ses_dnr
- ses_active
- ses_enable_bb
- ses_enable_ba
- ses_devoff
- ses_fault
- ses_prdfail
Patterns Translation
When a non SES-2 pattern is sent to device an enclosure automatic translation is done.
- locate
locate is translated to ses_ident
- locate_off
locate_off is translated to ~ses_ident
- normal or off
normal or off is translated to ses_ok
- ica or degraded
ica or degraded is translated to ses_ica
- rebuild
rebuild is translated to ses_rebuild
- ifa or failed_array
ifa or failed_array is translated to ses_ifa
- hotspare
hotspare is translated to ses_hotspare
- pfa
pfa is translated to ses_prdfail
- failure or disk_failed
failure or disk_failed is translated to ses_fault
Modes and Mode Specific Options
This chapter outlines the modes and options applicable to specific modes. If no mode is specified, the default is IBPI mode.
-I or --ibpi
Sets pattern on given devices. Allows ledctl to determine the best controller automatically. Must be followed by IBPI option. By default, it checks all devices and may update states on different drives than requested if state change is determined (generally it happens for devices in raid array).
- PATTERN={ device1 device2 } or PATTERN=device1,device2
The IBPI option accepts device lists in two formats: comma-separated elements and elements enclosed in curly braces with spaces between them. Refer to "Pattern names" for supported states. For usage examples, see "Examples".
- -x or --listed-only
Suppresses default behavior, changes state only on devices listed in CLI. It is optional.
-L or --list-controllers
Prints information (system path and type) of all controllers detected.
-B or --default-controller
There is a possibility that device is supported by more than one controller (e.g. NPEM and VMD). In that case, this command can be used to query ledctl to return preferred controller type. The returned controller type is used by subset of routines which do not take controller type directly (e.g. --get-slot, --list-slots, --set-slot).
Prints preferred controller type which should be used to control LED for this device. Must be followed by --device, for which controller will be printed.
-P or --list-slots
Prints all slots for the controller type. Must be followed by --controller-type.
-G or --get-slot
Displays specific slot details. Must be followed by --controller-type and slot identifier --device or --slot. --print can be used to control output.
- -r print or --print=print
Optional parameter for --get-slot. It is utilized to retrieve a specific property from the output. Supported values include: slot, device, and state.
-S or --set-slot
Changes led state for slot. Must be followed by --controller-type, slot identifier --device or --slot and --state.
- -p state or --state=state
It is mandatory for --set-slot. It provides the state to be set for the slot. Refer to "Pattern names" for supported states list.
Slot Management Options
This section describes options necessary by various slot management modes.
- -n controller_type or --controller-type=controller_type
Controller type chosen for the request. It aggregates multiple controllers of the same type. Supported types are: VMD, NPEM and SCSI.
- -d device or --device=device
Block device node for device attached to the slot. It can be used instead of --slot.
- -p slot or --slot=slot
Unique slot identifier. It can be used instead of --device. Use --list-slots to determine slot identifiers. Slot definition depends on the controller and is unique across all controllers of the same type. The slot identifier is always available, even if a device is not connected.
General Options
This section describes options available for every mode.
- -l path or --log=path
Sets a path to log file. If this option is not specified then default log file /var/log/ledctl.log is used.
- -h or --help
Prints help text out. Use --MODE --help to get help for requested mode or --help to get general help.
- -v or --version
Displays version of ledctl and information about the license.
- --log_level=log_level
Set the application's logging level. Available levels, listed from most verbose to least verbose, include: ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and QUIET. The default setting is WARNING.
- /var/log/ledctl.log
Global log file, used by all instances of ledctl application. To force logging to user defined file use -l option switch.
The following example illustrates how to set locate on a single block device. Note that all remaining LEDs, might be changed.
ledctl --ibpi locate=/dev/sda
The following example illustrates how to set locate_off on a single block device.
ledctl --ibpi --listed-only locate_off=/dev/sda
The following example illustrates how to set off on the given devices. It uses second format of the device list.
ledctl --ibpi --listed-only off={ /dev/sda /dev/sdb }
The following example illustrates how to set locate and rebuild on different devices at the same time. It uses the second format of the device list.
ledctl --ibpi --listed-only locate={ /dev/sdb } rebuild={ /sys/block/sdc }
The following example illustrates how to locate on three block devices. It uses the first format of the device list.
ledctl --ibpi --listed-only locate=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc
The following example illustrates how to set locate and rebuild on different devices at the same time. It uses the first format of the device list.
ledctl --ibpi --listed-only locate=/dev/sdb rebuild=/sys/block/sdc
The following example illustrates how to set locate and rebuild on different devices at the same time. It uses the both formats of the device list.
ledctl --ibpi --listed-only locate={ /dev/sdb } rebuild=/sys/block/sdc
The following example illustrates how to get all detected controllers.
ledctl --list-controllers
The following example illustrates how to get all slots for controller type NPEM.
ledctl --list-slots --controller-type=npem
The following example illustrates how to get particular slot with device specified, for controller type SCSI. Print state only.
ledctl --get-slot --controller-type=scsi --device=/dev/sda --print=state
The following example illustrates how to get particular slot with slot specified, for controller type NPEM. Print device only.
ledctl --get-slot --controller-type=npem --slot=10000:02:04.0 --print=device
The following example illustrates how to set locate for slot with device specified, for controller type VMD.
ledctl --set-slot --controller-type=vmd --device=/dev/nvme0n1 --state=locate
The following example illustrates how to set failure for slot with slot specified for controller type VMD.
ledctl --set-slot --controller-type=vmd --slot=1 --state=failure
Copyright (c) 2009-2024 Intel Corporation.
This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
See Also
This manual page was written by Artur Wojcik <artur.wojcik@intel.com>. It may be used by others.