kl2tpd - Man Page

a minimal L2TPv2 client daemon


kl2tpd [ arguments ]


kl2tpd is a client/LAC-mode daemon for creating L2TPv2 (RFC 2661) tunnels and sessions.

kl2tpd requires root permissions to run, and is driven by a configuration file which details the tunnel and session instances to create.

For further details of the configuration format, please refer to kl2tpd.toml(5).

By default, kl2tpd spawns the standard Linux pppd for PPP protocol support.


-config string

specify configuration file path (default “/etc/kl2tpd/kl2tpd.toml”)


toggle null data plane (establish L2TP tunnel and session but do not spawn pppd)


toggle verbose log output

See Also

kl2tpd.toml(5), pppd(8)


Katalix Systems, Ltd.

Referenced By


May 2024 go-l2tp v0.1.8