iprop-log - Man Page

examine and maintain the iprop log file


iprop-log[--version] [-h | --help] command
iprop-log truncate[-c file | --config-file=file] [-r string | --realm=string] [-K integer | --keep-entries=integer] [-B integer | --max-bytes=integer] [-R | --reset] [-h | --help] [log-file]
iprop-log dump[-c file | --config-file=file] [-r string | --realm=string] [-n | --no-lock] [-R | --reverse] [-h | --help] [log-file]
iprop-log replay[--start-version=version-number] [--end-version=version-number] [-c file | --config-file=file] [-r string | --realm=string] [-h | --help] [log-file]
iprop-log last-version[-c file | --config-file=file] [-r string | --realm=string] [-n | --no-lock] [-h | --help] [log-files]
iprop-log signal[-c file | --config-file=file] [-r string | --realm=string] [-h | --help]


Supported options:

command can be one of the following:

-c file, --config-file=file

configuration file

-r string, --realm=string


-K integer, --keep-entries=integer
-B integer, --max-bytes=integer
-R, --reset

If --reset is given, then the given, configured, or default log file will be truncated and will start at version 1. This forces full propagations to all slave KDCs.

Otherwise the log will be truncated but some entries will be preserved, as specified by the --keep-entries and/or --max-bytes options. The largest number of --keep-entries entries that are available and fit in the given --max-bytes option will be used. The --keep-entries -option -defaults -to -100, -and -the --max-bytes option defaults to the log-max-size parameter in the configuration.

-c file, --config-file=file

configuration file

-r string, --realm=string


-n string, --no-lock
-R string, --reverse

Print out all entries in the given, configured, or default log file to standard output. If the -n option is used then don't lock the iprop log file. If the -R option is used, then print the entries in reverse order (this can be useful when the log is very large).


start replay with this version


end replay with this version

-c file, --config-file=file

configuration file

-r string, --realm=string


Replay the changes from specified entries (or all if none is specified) in the given, configured, or default transaction log file to the database.

-c file, --config-file=file

configuration file

-r string, --realm=string


-n string, --no-lock

prints the version of the last record in each of the given log files, or the configured, or the default log file if none is given.

-c file, --config-file=file

configuration file

-r string, --realm=string


Signals the ipropd-master daemon to send updates to slaves. Normally kadmin does this every time it writes to the database, so this should rarely be needed.

See Also


Referenced By


February 18, 2007