gm-jobs - Man Page

displays information and manages current jobs handled by ARC middleware


gm-jobs displays information related to jobs handled by locally running ARC middleware service A-REX. Different kind of information may be selected by using various options. This utility also can perform simple management operations - currently cancel processing of specific jobs and remove them. Default behavior is to print minimal information about all jobs currently handled by A-REX and some statistics.


gm-jobs [OPTION...]


-h,  --help

Show help for available options

-l,  --longlist

display more information about each job

-c,  --conffile=file

use specified configuration file

-d,  --controldir=dir

read information from specified control directory

-s,  --showshares

print summary of jobs in each transfer share. Shows for input (preparing) and output (finishing) files the number of files being copied and the number queued per transfer share

-J,  --notshowjobs

do not print list of jobs (printed by default)

-S,  --notshowstates

do not print number of jobs in each state (printed by default)

-w,  --showservice

print state of the service

-f,  --filteruser=dn

show only jobs of user(s) with specified subject name(s)

-k,  --killjob=id

request to cancel job(s) with specified ID(s)

-K,  --killuser=dn

request to cancel jobs belonging to user(s) with specified subject name(s)

-r,  --remjob=id

request to clean job(s) with specified ID(s)

-R,  --remuser=dn

request to clean jobs belonging to user(s) with specified subject name(s)

-j,  --filterjob=id

show only jobs with specified ID(s)

-e,  --listdelegs

print list of available delegation IDs

-E,  --showdeleg=id

print delegation token of specified ID(s)


Aleksandr Konstantinov <aleksandr dot konstantinov at fys dot uio dot no>


2013-01-30 NorduGrid 6.21.1 NorduGrid Toolkit