getcap - Man Page

examine file capabilities

Examples (TL;DR)


getcap [-v] [-n] [-r] [-h] filename [ ... ]


getcap displays the name and capabilities of each specified file.



prints quick usage.


prints any non-zero user namespace root user ID value found to be associated with a file's capabilities.


enables recursive search.


display all searched entries, even if the have no file-capabilities.

NOTE: an empty value of '=' is not equivalent to an omitted (or removed) capability on a file. This is most significant with respect to the Ambient capability vector, since a process with Ambient capabilities will lose them when executing a file having '=' capabilities, but will retain the Ambient inheritance of privilege when executing a file with an omitted file capability. This special empty setting can be used to prevent a binary from executing with privilege. For some time, the kernel honored this suppression for root executing the file, but the kernel developers decided after a number of years that this behavior was unexpected for the superuser and reverted it just for that user identity. Suppression of root privilege, for a process tree, is possible, using the capsh(1) --mode option.


One file per line.

Reporting Bugs

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See Also

capsh(1), cap_get_file(3), cap_to_text(3), capabilities(7), user_namespaces(7), captree(8), getpcaps(8) and setcap(8).

Referenced By

capabilities(7), capsh(1), getpcaps(8), libcap(3), setcap(8).
