dnsdict6 - Man Page


dnsdict6 [-d4] [-s|-m|-l|-x|-u] [-t THREADS] [-D] domain [dictionary-file]

Enumerates a domain for DNS entries, it uses a dictionary file if supplied or a built-in list otherwise. This tool is based on dnsmap by gnucitizen.org.


 -4      do also dump IPv4 addresses
 -t NO   specify the number of threads to use (default: 8, max: 32).
 -D      dump the selected built-in wordlist, no scanning.
 -d      display IPv6 information on NS and MX DNS domain information.
 -e      ignore no NS for domain errors
 -S      perform SRV service name guessing
 -[smlxu] choose the dictionary size by -s(mall=100), -m(edium=1419) (DEFAULT)
           -l(arge=2601), -x(treme=5886) or -u(ber=16724)


thc-ipv6 was written by van Hauser <vh@thc.org> / THC

The homepage for this toolkit is: https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-ipv6


2025-02-10 THC IPv6