dnf5-mark - Man Page

Mark Command


dnf5 mark <subcommand> [global options] [<group-id>] <package-spec>...


The mark command in DNF5 is used to change reason of installed packages defined in package-spec arguments.


Mark the package as user-installed.

This can be useful if any package was installed as a dependency and is desired to stay on the system when remove command along with clean_requirements_on_remove configuration option set to True is executed.

Mark the package as a dependency.

This can be useful if you as the user don't need a specific package. The package stays installed on the system, but will be removed when remove command along with clean_requirements_on_remove configuration option set to True is executed.

You should use this operation instead of remove command if you're not sure whether the package is a requirement of other user installed package on the system.

Mark the package as a weak dependency.
Mark the package as installed by the group defined in group-id argument.

This can be useful if any package was installed as a dependency or the user and is desired to be protected and handled as a group member like during group remove command.


Allow skipping packages that are not installed on the system. All remaining installed packages will be marked.


dnf5 mark user fuse-devel
Mark the fuse-devel package as user-installed.
dnf5 mark group xfce-desktop vim-enhanced
Mark the vim-enhanced package as installed by the xfce-desktop group.

See Also

dnf5-comps(7), Comps groups and environments
dnf5-specs(7), Patterns specification


See AUTHORS.md in dnf5 source distribution.

Referenced By


The man page dnf-mark(8) is an alias of dnf5-mark(8).

Feb 06, 2025 dnf5