dnf5-history - Man Page
History Command
dnf5 history <subcommand> [options] [<transaction-spec>]
The history command in DNF5 allows the user to view what has happened in past transactions and offers several operations on these transactions, like undoing and redoing them. In order to use the transactions in these commands, it is assumed that they were committed while using the history_record configuration option.
- list
List info about recorded transactions in the system.
- info
Print details about specific transactions.
- undo
Revert all actions from the specified transaction.
- redo
Repeat the specified transaction. Automatically uses --ignore-extras and --ignore-installed. Unlike the rest of history commands it overrides reasons for transaction packages that are already installed. This command is useful to finish interrupted transactons.
- rollback
Undo all transactions performed after the specified transaction.
- store
Store the transaction into a directory.
Options for List and Info
- --reverse
Reverse the order of transactions in the output.
Options for Undo, Rollback and Redo
- --skip-unavailable
Allow skipping packages actions that are not possible perform.
Options for Undo and Rollback
- --ignore-extras
Don't consider extra packages pulled into the transaction as errors. They will still be reported as warnings.
- --ignore-installed
Don't consider mismatches between installed and stored transaction packages as errors. They will still be reported as warnings. Using this option can result in an empty transaction. For install actions skip already installed packages. For upgrade actions skip groups or environments that are not installed. For remove actions skip not installed packages/groups/environments.
- dnf5 history list
List all transactions, where the most recent transaction is printed first.
- dnf5 history info 4
Show detailed info about the fourth transaction.
- dnf5 history info last
Show detailed info about the last transaction.
- dnf5 history info last-1
Show detailed info about the second to last transaction.
- dnf5 history list 4..8
List transactions with id in 4 to 8 range.
- dnf5 history undo last
Undo the last transaction.
- dnf5 history undo 4 --ignore-extras
Undo the fourth transaction ignoring extra packages pulled into the reverting transaction.
See Also
dnf5-specs(7), Patterns specification
See AUTHORS.md in dnf5 source distribution.
Contributors to the dnf5 project.
Referenced By
The man page dnf-history(8) is an alias of dnf5-history(8).
Dec 06, 2024 dnf5