dnf5-check-upgrade - Man Page

Check-Upgrade Command


dnf5 check-upgrade [options] [<package-spec>...]


Non-interactively checks for available updates of specified packages. If no <package-spec> is provided, it checks for updates for the entire system.

DNF5 will exit with code 100` if updates are available and list them; 0 if no updates are available.


Print the package changelogs.
Consider only content contained in advisories with specified name.
This is a list option.
Expected values are advisory IDs, e.g. FEDORA-2201-123.
Consider only content contained in advisories with specified severity.
This is a list option.
Accepted values are: critical, important, moderate, low, none.
Consider only content contained in advisories that fix a ticket of given Bugzilla ID.
This is a list option.
Expected values are numeric IDs, e.g. 123123.
Consider only content contained in advisories that fix a ticket of given CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) ID.
This is a list option.
Expected values are string IDs in CVE format, e.g. CVE-2201-0123.
Consider only content contained in security advisories.
Consider only content contained in bugfix advisories.
Consider only content contained in enhancement advisories.
Consider only content contained in newpackage advisories.
Reports the lowest versions of packages that fix advisories of type bugfix, enhancement, security, or
newpackage. In case that any option limiting advisories is used it reports the lowest versions of packages
that fix advisories matching selected advisory properties"


dnf5 check-upgrade
Print a list of packages that have updates available.
dnf5 check-upgrade --changelogs
Print changelogs for all packages with pending updates.

See Also

dnf5-specs(7), Patterns specification


See AUTHORS.md in dnf5 source distribution.

Referenced By


The man page dnf-check-upgrade(8) is an alias of dnf5-check-upgrade(8).

Mar 18, 2025 dnf5