containers, c, container
Manage containers
Create container
--allow-new-privs: Turn off OCI spec's NoNewPrivileges feature flag
--annotation="": Specify additional OCI annotations (e.g. foo=bar)
--apparmor-default-profile="": Enable AppArmor with the default profile with the specified name, e.g. "cri-containerd.apparmor.d"
--apparmor-profile="": Enable AppArmor with an existing custom profile
--blockio-class="": Name of the blockio class to associate the container with
--blockio-config-file="": File path to blockio class definitions. By default class definitions are not loaded.
--cap-add="": Add Linux capabilities (Set capabilities with 'CAP_' prefix)
--cap-drop="": Drop Linux capabilities (Set capabilities with 'CAP_' prefix)
--config, -c="": Path to the runtime-specific spec config file
--cpu-period="": Limit CPU CFS period (default: 0)
--cpu-quota="": Limit CPU CFS quota (default: -1)
--cwd="": Specify the working directory of the process
--device="": File path to a device to add to the container; or a path to a directory tree of devices to add to the container
--env="": Specify additional container environment variables (e.g. FOO=bar)
--env-file="": Specify additional container environment variables in a file(e.g. FOO=bar, one per line)
--gpus="": Add gpus to the container
--hostname="": Set the container's host name
--label="": Specify additional labels (e.g. foo=bar)
--memory-limit="": Memory limit (in bytes) for the container (default: 0)
--mount="": Specify additional container mount (e.g. type=bind,src=/tmp,dst=/host,options=rbind:ro)
--net-host: Enable host networking for the container
--no-pivot: Disable use of pivot-root (linux only)
--pid-file="": File path to write the task's pid
--privileged: Run privileged container
--rdt-class="": Name of the RDT class to associate the container with. Specifies a Class of Service (CLOS) for cache and memory bandwidth management.
--read-only: Set the containers filesystem as readonly
--rootfs: Use custom rootfs that is not managed by containerd snapshotter
--rootfs-propagation="": Set the propagation of the container rootfs
--runc-binary="": Specify runc-compatible binary
--runc-root="": Specify runc-compatible root
--runc-systemd-cgroup: Start runc with systemd cgroup manager
--runtime="": Runtime name or absolute path to runtime binary (default: "io.containerd.runc.v2")
--runtime-config-path="": Optional runtime config path
--sandbox="": Create the container in the given sandbox
--seccomp: Enable the default seccomp profile
--seccomp-profile="": File path to custom seccomp profile. seccomp must be set to true, before using seccomp-profile
--snapshotter="": Snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.
--snapshotter-label="": Labels added to the new snapshot for this container.
--tty, -t: Allocate a TTY for the container
--user, -u="": Username or user id, group optional (format: [:])
--with-ns="": Specify existing Linux namespaces to join at container runtime (format ':')
delete, del, remove, rm
Delete one or more existing containers
--keep-snapshot: Do not clean up snapshot with container
Get info about a container
--spec: Only display the spec
list, ls
List containers
--quiet, -q: Print only the container id
Set and clear labels for a container
Checkpoint a container
--image: Include the image in the checkpoint
--rw: Include the rw layer in the checkpoint
--task: Checkpoint container task
Restore a container from checkpoint
--live: Restore the runtime and memory data from the checkpoint
--rw: Restore the rw layer from the checkpoint
Manage content
Display active transfers
--root="": Path to content store root (default: "/tmp/content")
--timeout, -t="": Total timeout for fetch (default: 0s)
delete, del, remove, rm
Permanently delete one or more blobs
Edit a blob and return a new digest
--editor="": Select editor (vim, emacs, etc.)
--validate="": Validate the result against a format (json, mediatype, etc.)
Fetch all content for an image into containerd
--all-platforms: Pull content from all platforms
--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory
--http-dump: Dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry
--http-trace: Enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions
--label="": Labels to attach to the image
--metadata-only: Pull all metadata including manifests and configs
--plain-http: Allow connections using plain HTTP
--platform="": Pull content from a specific platform
--refresh="": Refresh token for authorization server
--skip-metadata: Skips metadata for unused platforms (Image may be unable to be pushed without metadata)
--skip-verify, -k: Skip SSL certificate validation
--tlscacert="": Path to TLS root CA
--tlscert="": Path to TLS client certificate
--tlskey="": Path to TLS client key
--user, -u="": User[:password] Registry user and password
Retrieve objects from a remote
--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory
--http-dump: Dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry
--http-trace: Enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions
--plain-http: Allow connections using plain HTTP
--refresh="": Refresh token for authorization server
--skip-verify, -k: Skip SSL certificate validation
--tlscacert="": Path to TLS root CA
--tlscert="": Path to TLS client certificate
--tlskey="": Path to TLS client key
--user, -u="": User[:password] Registry user and password
Retrieve blobs from a remote
--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory
--http-dump: Dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry
--http-trace: Enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions
--media-type="": Specify target mediatype for request header
--plain-http: Allow connections using plain HTTP
--refresh="": Refresh token for authorization server
--skip-verify, -k: Skip SSL certificate validation
--tlscacert="": Path to TLS root CA
--tlscert="": Path to TLS client certificate
--tlskey="": Path to TLS client key
--user, -u="": User[:password] Registry user and password
Get the data for an object
Accept content into the store
--expected-digest="": Verify content against expected digest
--expected-size="": Validate against provided size (default: 0)
list, ls
List all blobs in the store
--quiet, -q: Print only the blob digest
Push an object to a remote
--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory
--http-dump: Dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry
--http-trace: Enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions
--plain-http: Allow connections using plain HTTP
--refresh="": Refresh token for authorization server
--skip-verify, -k: Skip SSL certificate validation
--tlscacert="": Path to TLS root CA
--tlscert="": Path to TLS client certificate
--tlskey="": Path to TLS client key
--user, -u="": User[:password] Registry user and password
Add labels to content
Prunes content from the content store
Prunes preference labels from the content store (layers only by default)
--async: Allow garbage collection to cleanup asynchronously
--dry: Just show updates without applying (enables debug logging)
images, image, i
Manage images
Check existing images to ensure all content is available locally
--quiet, -q: Print only the ready image refs (fully downloaded and unpacked)
--snapshotter="": Snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.
Export images
--all-platforms: Exports content from all platforms
--local: Run export locally rather than through transfer API
--platform="": Pull content from a specific platform
--skip-manifest-json: Do not add Docker compatible manifest.json to archive
--skip-non-distributable: Do not add non-distributable blobs such as Windows layers to archive
Import images
--all-platforms: Imports content for all platforms, false by default
--base-name="": Base image name for added images, when provided only images with this name prefix are imported
--compress-blobs: Compress uncompressed blobs when creating manifest (Docker format only)
--digests: Whether to create digest images (default: false)
--discard-unpacked-layers: Allow the garbage collector to clean layers up from the content store after unpacking, cannot be used with --no-unpack, false by default
--index-name="": Image name to keep index as, by default index is discarded
--label="": Labels to attach to the image
--local: Run import locally rather than through transfer API
--no-unpack: Skip unpacking the images, cannot be used with --discard-unpacked-layers, false by default
--platform="": Imports content for specific platform
--skip-digest-for-named: Skip applying --digests option to images named in the importing tar (use it in conjunction with --digests)
--snapshotter="": Snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.
inspect, i
inspect an image
--content: Show JSON content
list, ls
List images known to containerd
--quiet, -q: Print only the image refs
Mount an image to a target path
--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory
--http-dump: Dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry
--http-trace: Enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions
--label="": Labels to attach to the image
--plain-http: Allow connections using plain HTTP
--platform="": Mount the image for the specified platform (default: "linux/amd64")
--refresh="": Refresh token for authorization server
--rw: Enable write support on the mount
--skip-verify, -k: Skip SSL certificate validation
--snapshotter="": Snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.
--tlscacert="": Path to TLS root CA
--tlscert="": Path to TLS client certificate
--tlskey="": Path to TLS client key
--user, -u="": User[:password] Registry user and password
Unmount the image from the target
--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory
--http-dump: Dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry
--http-trace: Enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions
--label="": Labels to attach to the image
--plain-http: Allow connections using plain HTTP
--refresh="": Refresh token for authorization server
--rm: Remove the snapshot after a successful unmount
--skip-verify, -k: Skip SSL certificate validation
--snapshotter="": Snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.
--tlscacert="": Path to TLS root CA
--tlscert="": Path to TLS client certificate
--tlskey="": Path to TLS client key
--user, -u="": User[:password] Registry user and password
Pull an image from a remote
--all-platforms: Pull content and metadata from all platforms
--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory
--http-dump: Dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry
--http-trace: Enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions
--label="": Labels to attach to the image
--local: Fetch content from local client rather than using transfer service
--max-concurrent-downloads="": Set the max concurrent downloads for each pull (default: 0)
--plain-http: Allow connections using plain HTTP
--platform="": Pull content from a specific platform
--print-chainid: Print the resulting image's chain ID
--refresh="": Refresh token for authorization server
--skip-metadata: Skips metadata for unused platforms (Image may be unable to be pushed without metadata)
--skip-verify, -k: Skip SSL certificate validation
--snapshotter="": Snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.
--tlscacert="": Path to TLS root CA
--tlscert="": Path to TLS client certificate
--tlskey="": Path to TLS client key
--user, -u="": User[:password] Registry user and password
Push an image to a remote
--allow-non-distributable-blobs: Allow pushing blobs that are marked as non-distributable
--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory
--http-dump: Dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry
--http-trace: Enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions
--local: Push content from local client rather than using transfer service
--manifest="": Digest of manifest
--manifest-type="": Media type of manifest digest (default: "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json")
--max-concurrent-uploaded-layers="": Set the max concurrent uploaded layers for each push (default: 0)
--plain-http: Allow connections using plain HTTP
--platform="": Push content from a specific platform
--refresh="": Refresh token for authorization server
--skip-verify, -k: Skip SSL certificate validation
--tlscacert="": Path to TLS root CA
--tlscert="": Path to TLS client certificate
--tlskey="": Path to TLS client key
--user, -u="": User[:password] Registry user and password
Remove unused images
--all: Remove all unused images, not just dangling ones (if all is not specified no images will be pruned)
delete, del, remove, rm
Remove one or more images by reference
--sync: Synchronously remove image and all associated resources
Tag an image
--force: Force target_ref to be created, regardless if it already exists
--local: Run tag locally rather than through transfer API
--skip-reference-check: Skip the strict check for reference names
Set and clear labels for an image
--replace-all, -r: Replace all labels
Convert an image
--all-platforms: Exports content from all platforms
--oci: Convert Docker media types to OCI media types
--platform="": Pull content from a specific platform
--uncompress: Convert tar.gz layers to uncompressed tar layers
Display usage of snapshots for a given image ref
--snapshotter="": Snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.
Run a container
--allow-new-privs: Turn off OCI spec's NoNewPrivileges feature flag
--annotation="": Specify additional OCI annotations (e.g. foo=bar)
--apparmor-default-profile="": Enable AppArmor with the default profile with the specified name, e.g. "cri-containerd.apparmor.d"
--apparmor-profile="": Enable AppArmor with an existing custom profile
--blockio-class="": Name of the blockio class to associate the container with
--blockio-config-file="": File path to blockio class definitions. By default class definitions are not loaded.
--cap-add="": Add Linux capabilities (Set capabilities with 'CAP_' prefix)
--cap-drop="": Drop Linux capabilities (Set capabilities with 'CAP_' prefix)
--cgroup="": Cgroup path (To disable use of cgroup, set to "" explicitly)
--cni: Enable cni networking for the container
--config, -c="": Path to the runtime-specific spec config file
--cpu-period="": Limit CPU CFS period (default: 0)
--cpu-quota="": Limit CPU CFS quota (default: -1)
--cpu-shares="": Set the cpu shares (default: 1024)
--cpus="": Set the CFS cpu quota (default: 0)
--cpuset-cpus="": Set the CPUs the container will run in (e.g., 1-2,4)
--cpuset-mems="": Set the memory nodes the container will run in (e.g., 1-2,4)
--cwd="": Specify the working directory of the process
--detach, -d: Detach from the task after it has started execution, cannot be used with --rm
--device="": File path to a device to add to the container; or a path to a directory tree of devices to add to the container
--env="": Specify additional container environment variables (e.g. FOO=bar)
--env-file="": Specify additional container environment variables in a file(e.g. FOO=bar, one per line)
--fifo-dir="": Directory used for storing IO FIFOs
--gidmap="": Run inside a user namespace with the specified GID mapping ranges; specified with the format container-gid:host-gid:length
--gpus="": Add gpus to the container
--hostname="": Set the container's host name
--label="": Specify additional labels (e.g. foo=bar)
--log-uri="": Log uri
--memory-limit="": Memory limit (in bytes) for the container (default: 0)
--mount="": Specify additional container mount (e.g. type=bind,src=/tmp,dst=/host,options=rbind:ro)
--net-host: Enable host networking for the container
--no-pivot: Disable use of pivot-root (linux only)
--null-io: Send all IO to /dev/null
--pid-file="": File path to write the task's pid
--platform="": Run image for specific platform
--privileged: Run privileged container
--privileged-without-host-devices: Don't pass all host devices to privileged container
--rdt-class="": Name of the RDT class to associate the container with. Specifies a Class of Service (CLOS) for cache and memory bandwidth management.
--read-only: Set the containers filesystem as readonly
--remap-labels: Provide the user namespace ID remapping to the snapshotter via label options; requires snapshotter support
--rm: Remove the container after running, cannot be used with --detach
--rootfs: Use custom rootfs that is not managed by containerd snapshotter
--rootfs-propagation="": Set the propagation of the container rootfs
--runc-binary="": Specify runc-compatible binary
--runc-root="": Specify runc-compatible root
--runc-systemd-cgroup: Start runc with systemd cgroup manager
--runtime="": Runtime name or absolute path to runtime binary (default: "io.containerd.runc.v2")
--runtime-config-path="": Optional runtime config path
--sandbox="": Create the container in the given sandbox
--seccomp: Enable the default seccomp profile
--seccomp-profile="": File path to custom seccomp profile. seccomp must be set to true, before using seccomp-profile
--snapshotter="": Snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.
--snapshotter-label="": Labels added to the new snapshot for this container.
--tty, -t: Allocate a TTY for the container
--uidmap="": Run inside a user namespace with the specified UID mapping ranges; specified with the format container-uid:host-uid:length
--user, -u="": Username or user id, group optional (format: [:])
--with-ns="": Specify existing Linux namespaces to join at container runtime (format ':')
tasks, t, task
Manage tasks
Attach to the IO of a running container
Checkpoint a container
--exit: Stop the container after the checkpoint
--image-path="": Path to criu image files
--work-path="": Path to criu work files and logs
delete, del, remove, rm
Delete one or more tasks
--exec-id="": Process ID to kill
--force, -f: Force delete task process
Execute additional processes in an existing container
--cwd="": Working directory of the new process
--detach, -d: Detach from the task after it has started execution
--exec-id="": Exec specific id for the process
--fifo-dir="": Directory used for storing IO FIFOs
--log-uri="": Log uri for custom shim logging
--tty, -t: Allocate a TTY for the container
--user="": User id or name
list, ls
List tasks
--quiet, -q: Print only the task id
Signal a container (default: SIGTERM)
--all, -a: Send signal to all processes inside the container
--exec-id="": Process ID to kill
--signal, -s="": Signal to send to the container
metrics, metric
Get a single data point of metrics for a task with the built-in Linux runtime
--format="": "table" or "json" (default: "table")
Pause an existing container
List processes for container
Resume a paused container
Start a container that has been created
--detach, -d: Detach from the task after it has started execution
--fifo-dir="": Directory used for storing IO FIFOs
--log-uri="": Log uri
--no-pivot: Disable use of pivot-root (linux only)
--null-io: Send all IO to /dev/null
--pid-file="": File path to write the task's pid
Interact with a shim directly
--id="": shim ID
Delete a container with a task
Exec a new process in the task's container
--attach, -a: Stay attached to the container and open the fifos
--cwd="": Current working directory
--env, -e="": Add environment vars
--spec="": Runtime spec
--stderr="": Specify the path to the stderr fifo
--stdin="": Specify the path to the stdin fifo
--stdout="": Specify the path to the stdout fifo
--tty, -t: Enable tty support
Start a container with a task
Get the state of all main process of the task
--api-version="": shim API version {2,3} (default: 3)
--task-id, -t="": task ID
Provide golang pprof outputs for containerd-shim
Goroutine blocking profile
--debug="": Output format, value = 0: binary, value > 0: plaintext (default: 0)
Print goroutine stack dump
--debug="": Output format, value = 0: binary, value > 0: plaintext (default: 2)
Dump heap profile
--debug="": Output format, value = 0: binary, value > 0: plaintext (default: 0)
CPU profile
--debug="": Output format, value = 0: binary, value > 0: plaintext (default: 0)
--seconds, -s="": Duration for collection (seconds) (default: 30s)
Goroutine thread creating profile
--debug="": Output format, value = 0: binary, value > 0: plaintext (default: 0)
Collect execution trace
--debug="": Output format, value = 0: binary, value > 0: plaintext (default: 0)
--seconds, -s="": Trace time (seconds) (default: 5s)