bicker_ser - Man Page

Driver for Bicker DC UPS via serial port connections


bicker_ser -h

bicker_ser -a UPS_NAME [OPTIONS]


This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the bicker_ser driver. For information about the core driver, see nutupsdrv(8).

Supported Hardware

bicker_ser supports all Bicker UPSes shipped with the PSZ-1053 extension module such as UPSIC-1205, UPSIC-2403, DC2412-UPS and DC2412-UPS-LD.


The needed cable is a standard pin-to-pin serial cable with pins 2, 3 and 5 (on DB9 connector) connected.

Extra Arguments

This driver supports no extra arguments from ups.conf(5).


Depending on the type of your UPS unit, some of the following variables may be changed with upsrw(8). If the driver can’t read a variable from the UPS, it will not be made available. Whenever not explicitly stated, any variable can be disabled, in which case the action it performs will not be executed. To disable a variable, set it to an empty value.

ups.delay.shutdown (in seconds, default disabled)

If activated and the UPS is in battery mode and the set time has expired, the output will be disabled, and the UPS and energy storage will be disconnected.

ups.delay.start (in seconds, default disabled)

If activated and a restart condition switches the UPS output off and on again, the set time is the delay between switching on and off. The time should cause a defined off time so that capacities in the application can be discharged.

battery.charge.restart (in percent, default disabled)

If activated and the UPS is off or restarts, the UPS output will not be released until the energy storage device has the set charge state. The energy storage device is charged in the meantime.

battery.charge.low (in percent, default 20)

If activated and the UPS is in battery mode and the battery level drops below the set value, a shutdown command via relay event is signaled.

experimental.output.current.low (in mA, default 200)

If activated and the UPS is in battery mode and the current drops below the set value, the output of the UPS will shut down and disconnect the energy storage to prevent self-discharge. (in seconds, default disabled)

If activated and the UPS is in battery mode and the set time has elapsed, a shutdown command via relay event is signaled. (in seconds, default disabled)

If activated and the UPS is in battery mode and the signal at the IN-1 input is high and the set time has expired, a shutdown command via relay event is signaled.

experimental.battery.charge.low.empty (in percent, default 20)

This parameter stores the threshold value for the "Battery Empty" signal. Currently this setting is only valid for relay signaling. Cannot be disabled. (default 0x01)

This parameter controls the behavior of the relay in case of different events. Cannot be disabled.

Available relay modes:

0x01On power fail (normally closed)
0x02On power fail (normally opened)
0x03Shutdown impulse (1 second)
0x04Battery low signal (normally closed)
0x05Battery defect signal (normally closed)

Instant Commands


Turn off the load and return when power is back.

Known Issues and Bugs

ups.delay.shutdown is not honored

Although that delay is properly set when sending the shutdown command, it seems some UPS ignore it and use a fixed 2 seconds delay instead.


Nicola Fontana <>

See Also

The core driver


Internet resources

The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page:

Referenced By

nutupsdrv(8), upsd(8).

07/03/2024 Network UPS Tools 2.8.2. NUT Manual