apk-version - Man Page
compare package versions
apk version [<options>...] [packages...]
apk version -c versions...
apk version -t version1 version2
apk version -I
apk version compares the versions of installed packages against package versions available from repositories (see apk-repositories(5)). It can also be used to validate and compare version strings.
In default mode, if no packages are specified, all installed packages are considered. Otherwise, the comparison is limited to the explicitly listed packages. A summary is printed on stdout, with the difference between package versions being represented as >, =, or <.
These options only apply when checking installed package versions against packages available from the repositories (when neither -c, -t, nor -I are specified).
- -a, --all
Consider packages from all repository tags.
- -c, --check versions...
Check versions for validity. If a given version is invalid, it is printed. Exits with status code zero if all versions are valid, and non-zero otherwise.
- -I, --indexes
Print the version and description for each repository's index. See apk-repositories(5) for more information.
- -l, --limit operand
Limit to packages with output matching given operand. The operand can be specified as any combination of >, =, and <.
- -t, --test version1 version2
Compare two version strings. Does not consult the database. Prints one of >, =, or <, if version1 is, respectively, greater than, equal to, or lesser than version2.