timew-hints - Man Page

Timewarrior hints



Timewarrior supports hints, which are single-word command line features that start with a colon like this:


Hints serve several purposes. This example is a shortcut for the date range that defines the current week.

Other hints, such as:


are ways to control the behavior of Timewarrior, in this case eliminating all forms of feedback, for purposes of automation.

The supported hints are:

:quiet         Turns off all feedback. For automation
:debug         Runs in debug mode, shows many runtime details
:yes           Overrides confirmation by answering 'yes' to the questions
:color         Force color on, even if not connected to a TTY
:nocolor       Force color off, even if connected to a TTY
:blank         Leaves tracked time out of a report
:fill          Expand time to fill surrounding available gap
:adjust        Automatically correct overlaps
:ids           Displays interval ID numbers in the summary report

Range hints provide convenient shortcuts to date ranges:

:all           All tracked time
:yesterday     The 24 hours of the previous day
:day / :today  The 24 hours of the current day
:week          This week
:fortnight     This week and the one before
:month         This month
:quarter       This quarter
:year          This year
:lastweek      Last week
:lastmonth     Last month
:lastquarter   Last quarter
:lastyear      Last year
:monday        Previous monday
:tuesday       Previous tuesday
:wednesday     Previous wednesday
:thursday      Previous thursday
:friday        Previous friday
:saturday      Previous saturday
:sunday        Previous sunday

Referenced By

timew(1), timew-chart(1), timew-dates(7), timew-gaps(1), timew-ranges(7), timew-report(1), timew-summary(1).

2024-07-20 timew 1.7.0 User Manuals