rdopkg-feature-actions - Man Page
autogenerated from feature spec `actions.feature`
rdopkg is able to run single and multistep actions (commands)
state file doesn’t affect new actions
- Given a distgit at Version 1.1.1,
- When I run rdopkg new-version,
- When I change .spec file tag Version to 2.2.2,
- When I run rdopkg pkgenv,
- Then command output contains Version:\s+2.2.2
assume .spec does not containe patches_base by default
- Given a distgit at Version 1.1.1,
- Then .spec file doesn’t contain patches_base,
- Then .spec file doesn’t contain patches_ignore
add magic_comment patches_base when already_set
- Given a distgit at Version 1.1.1,
- Then .spec file doesn’t contain patches_base,
- When I run rdopkg set-magic-comment patches_base foo,
- Then .spec file contains patches_base=foo,
- When I run rdopkg set-magic-comment patches_base v1.1.1,
- Then .spec file contains patches_base=v1.1.1
add magic_comment patches_base empty when already set
- Given a distgit at Version 1.1.1,
- Then .spec file doesn’t contain patches_base,
- When I run rdopkg set-magic-comment patches_base foo,
- Then .spec file contains patches_base=foo,
- When I run rdopkg set-magic-comment patches_base '',
- Then .spec file contains patches_base=
add magic_comment patches_base and patches_ignore when not present
- Given a distgit at Version 1.1.1,
- When I run rdopkg set-magic-comment patches_base v1.1.1,
- Then .spec file contains patches_base=v1.1.1,
- When I run rdopkg set-magic-comment patches_ignore DROP-IN-RPM,
- Then .spec file contains patches_ignore
add magic_comment only patches_ignore
- Given a distgit at Version 1.1.1,
- Then .spec file doesn’t contain patches_base,
- Then .spec file doesn’t contain patches_ignore,
- When I run rdopkg set-magic-comment patches_ignore DROP-IN-RPM,
- Then .spec file contains patches_ignore
set magic_comment to empty string
- Given a distgit at Version 1.1.1,
- Then .spec file doesn’t contain patches_base,
- Then .spec file doesn’t contain patches_ignore,
- When I run rdopkg set-magic-comment patches_ignore '',
- Then .spec file doesn’t contain patches_ignore
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