pom_set_parent - Man Page

set parent POM reference in POM file


%pom_set_parent groupId:artifactId[:version] [POM-location]...


This macro patches specified POM file setting reference to parent POM to specified groupId, artifactId and version.

This macros first removes parent POM reference and then adds a new one.  It’s (more or less) equivalent to call to %pom_remove_parent followed by invocation of %pom_add_parent.  See pom_remove_parent(7) and pom_add_parent(7) for more information about parameters.

POM location can be either a full path to the POM file, or a path to the directory containing pom.xml.  If POM location is not given then pom.xml from current working directory is used. You can specify more file locations which will be processed.


%pom_set_parent com.example:example-parent module - this call sets parent POM of module/pom.xml to com.example:example-parent.


Written by Mikolaj Izdebski.

Reporting Bugs

Bugs should be reported through Java Packages Tools issue tracker at Github: https://github.com/fedora-java/javapackages/issues.

See Also

pom_add_dep(7), pom_add_parent(7), pom_add_plugin(7), pom_disable_module(7), pom_remove_dep(7), pom_remove_parent(7), pom_remove_plugin(7), pom_change_dep(7), pom_xpath_inject(7), pom_xpath_remove(7), pom_xpath_replace(7), pom_xpath_set(7).

Referenced By

pom_add_dep(7), pom_add_parent(7), pom_add_plugin(7), pom_change_dep(7), pom_disable_module(7), pom_remove_dep(7), pom_remove_parent(7), pom_remove_plugin(7), pom_xpath_disable(7), pom_xpath_inject(7), pom_xpath_remove(7), pom_xpath_replace(7), pom_xpath_set(7).

2025-01-17 JAVAPACKAGES Java Packages Tools