libpipewire-module-netjack2-manager - Man Page

Netjack2 manager


The netjack2 manager module listens for new netjack2 driver messages and will start a communication channel with them.

Module Name


Module Options

General Options

Options with well-known behavior.

Example Configuration of a Duplex Sink/Source

# ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/my-netjack2-manager.conf

context.modules = [
{   name = libpipewire-module-netjack2-manager
    args = {
        #netjack2.connect     = true
        #netjack2.sample-rate = 48000
        #netjack2.period-size = 1024
        #netjack2.encoding    = float # float|opus
        #netjack2.kbps        = 64
        #midi.ports           = 0
        #audio.channels       = 2
        #audio.position       = [ FL FR ]
        source.props = {
            # extra sink properties
        sink.props = {
            # extra sink properties

Referenced By


1.3.82 PipeWire