eurephiadm-lastlog - Man Page

View the eurephia lastlog


eurephiadm lastlog [-v|--verbose] [-S|--sortkeys <sort keys>] [<FILTER arguments>]


This command will query the lastlog records, which contains information about all logins done with the eurephia-auth plug-in.


-S | --sortkeys <sort key>[,<sort key>[,<sort key>]...]

Sorting order of the report.  More sort keys can be given, separated by comma.  The available sort keys are:

uid : User ID

certid : Certificate ID

ip : IP address where the client connects from

vpnip : Assigned IP address on the VPN client

status : eurephia connection status

login : When the client logged in

logout : When the client logged out

username : eurephia username

macaddr : MAC address of the TUN/TAP interface on the VPN client

uicid : User ID/Certificate ID link ID.  Related to the IDs provided by eurephiadm usercerts

-v | --verbose

View detailed lastlog


The filters can help reducing the amount of data being reported.  Multiple filters may be added, but they will only work as additional "AND" arguments in the query.

-c | --certid <Certificate ID>

Certificate ID

-i | --uid <User ID>

Numeric user ID

-u | --username <User name>

User name

-I | --ip-addr <IP address>

IP address of remote host

-s | --login <YYYY-MM-DD>

Login time

-e | --logout <YYYY-MM-DD>

Logout time

-m | --mac-addr <TUN/TAP MAC address>

MAC address of remote VPN interface of the client

-a | --uicid <Access ID>

User ID/Certificate ID link ID.  Related to the IDs provided by eurephiadm usercerts

See Also

eurephiadm(7), eurephiadm-certs(7), eurephiadm-users(7), eurephiadm-usercerts(7)


Copyright (C) 2008-2012  David Sommerseth <>

Referenced By


July 2010 David Sommerseth