eurephiadm-adminaccess - Man Page

Access control for eurephia administration features


The eurephiadm adminaccess is used to grant eurephia users access to the different administration modules in eurephia.

Available modes for the adminaccess command are:

-G | --grant

Grant a specific access level to a user

-R | --revoke

Revoke access levels

-l | --list

List all granted accesses

-h | --help <mode> Help about a specific mode

List Mode

The list mode will show the granted user access levels

-i | --uid

User account ID

-u | --username

User name

-I | --interface

Which interfaces to show (default "C")

-a | --access-level Which access level to show

Grant Mode

The grant mode will grant a user access to a specified access level.

-i | --uid

User account ID

-I | --interface

Grant access through which interface (default "C")

-a | --access-level Which access level to grant access to

Revoke Mode

The revoke mode will remove an access from the desired user accounts.

-i | --uid

User account ID

-I | --interface

Revoke access from interface (default "C")

-a | --access-level Which access level to revoke access from

Access Levels


This access level grants access to the eurephiadm attempts command. The attempts command can list, reset or delete login attempts records in the database.


This is similar to the attempts access. It provides access to the eurphiadm blacklist command, where you can list, add or delete blacklisted usernames, certificate digests or IP addresses.


This level is needed to use the eurephiadm certs command. This commands provides you access to list, add or delete certificate information which the eurephia plug-in will use during the authentication process.


This level grants access to the eurephiadm config and eurephiadm show-config commands. The latter command will list out both the eurephiadm config file and all configuration parameters in the database. The config command is used to set or delete configuration parameters in the database.


This access level is needed to list, add or delete firewall profiles eurephia which may use.


This provides access to the eurephiadm users and eurephiadm usercerts commands, which is used to create or delete user accounts and link the user accounts together with a certificate and a firewall access profile.

See Also



Copyright (C) 2008-2012  David Sommerseth <>

Referenced By


July 2010 David Sommerseth