Section 7 : Miscellanea

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Section 7 of the manual provides overviews on various topics, and describes conventions and protocols, character set standards, the standard file system layout, and miscellaneous other things.
Packages with man pages in this section
aercEmail client for your terminal
aggregate6Tool to compress an unsorted list of IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes
alsa-utilsAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities
amandaA network-capable tape backup solution
amanda-clientThe client component of the AMANDA tape backup system
amanda-serverThe server side of the AMANDA tape backup system
amttermSerial-over-lan (sol) client for Intel AMT
aptCommand-line package manager for Debian packages
atf-testsAutomated Testing Framework - Test suite
audit-rulesaudit rules and utilities
authselectConfigures authentication and identity sources from supported profiles
babeltrace2A trace manipulation toolkit
badvpnPeer-to-peer VPN solution
batsBash Automated Testing System
biblesync-develDevelopment files for biblesync
blogcA blog compiler
bluez-libs-develDevelopment libraries for Bluetooth applications
calfAudio plugins pack
cczeA robust log colorizer
cdistUsable configuration management
charliecloudLightweight user-defined software stacks for high-performance computing
clevis-luksLUKS integration for clevis
cmakeCross-platform make system
cmusNcurses-Based Music Player
corosyncThe Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming Interfaces
courier-unicode-develDevelopment tools for programs which will use the libcourier-unicode library
CppMicroServices-develDevelopment files for CppMicroServices
crypto-policiesSystem-wide crypto policies
ctagsA C programming language indexing and/or cross-reference tool
ctdbA Clustered Database based on Samba's Trivial Database (TDB)
ctdb-ceph-mutexCTDB ceph mutex helper
ctdb-etcd-mutexCTDB ETCD mutex helper
cupsCUPS printing system
cups-printerappCUPS printing system - tools for printer application
czmq-develDevelopment files for the czmq package
dconfA configuration system
debconf-docDebconf documentation
debhelperHelper programs for debian/rules
devscriptsScripts for Debian Package maintainers
dgitIntegration between git and Debian-style archives
dh-autoreconfdebhelper add-on to call autoreconf and clean up after the build
discountA command-line utility for converting Markdown files into HTML
dnf5Command-line package manager
docbook-utilsShell scripts for managing DocBook documents
dotnet-host.NET command line launcher
dovecotSecure imap and pop3 server
dovecot-pigeonholeSieve and managesieve plug-in for dovecot
dpkg-devDebian package development tools
dpkg-develDebian package management static library
dracutInitramfs generator using udev
drbd-pacemakerPacemaker resource agent for DRBD
drbd-utilsManagement utilities for DRBD
dvdauthorCommand line DVD authoring tool
dynamipsCisco Router Emulator
e2toolsManipulate files in unmounted ext2/ext3 filesystems
ecryptfs-utilsThe eCryptfs mount helper and support libraries
elfutils-debuginfod-clientLibrary and command line client for build-id HTTP ELF/DWARF server
erlang-snmpSimple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) support
fabtestsTest suite for libfabric API
fdupesFinds duplicate files in a given set of directories
fennelA Lisp that compiles to Lua
flexiblas-develDevelopment headers and libraries for FlexiBLAS
footFast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator
freeipmiIPMI remote console and system management software
freerdp-libsCore libraries implementing the RDP protocol
fryskExecution analysis and debugging tool-suite
gammuCommand Line utility to work with mobile phones
ggz-base-libsBase libraries for GGZ gaming zone
git-core-docDocumentation files for git-core
git-lfsGit extension for versioning large files
git-secretA bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository
gnupg2Utility for secure communication and data storage
gnustep-makeGNUstep makefile package
gpmA mouse server for the Linux console
graphvizGraph Visualization Tools
greetdA generic greeter daemon
groffA document formatting system
guiltScripts to manage quilt-like patches on top of git
gvfs-clientClient modules of backends for the gio framework in GLib
hamlibRun-time library to control radio transceivers and receivers
hashidTool to identify different types of hashes
heimdal-develHeader and other development files for Heimdal kerberos
herbstluftwmA manual tiling window manager
htslibC library for high-throughput sequencing data formats
hwloc-libsRun time libraries for the hwloc
ibacmInfiniBand Communication Manager Assistant
ibusIntelligent Input Bus for Linux OS
icecreamDistributed compiler
intel-ipsec-mbIPsec cryptography library optimized for Intel Architecture
iproute-tcLinux Traffic Control utility
ipsilon-baseIpsilon base IDP server
irda-utilsUtilities for infrared communication between devices
iwdWireless daemon for Linux
javapackages-commonNon-essential macros and scripts for Java packaging support
jetringGPG keyring maintenance using changesets
jgmenuSimple X11 application menu
jurandA tool for manipulating Java symbols
kafs-clientThe basic tools for kAFS and mounter for the AFS dynamic root
kdelibsKDE Libraries
keyutils-libsKey utilities library
kf5-kdoctoolsKDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon for generating documentation
kf6-kdoctoolsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for generating documentation
knot-resolverCaching full DNS Resolver
krb5-libsThe non-admin shared libraries used by Kerberos 5
leiLocal Email Interface for public-inbox
libabigailSet of ABI analysis tools
libbsd-develDevelopment files for libbsd
libcap-ngAlternate posix capabilities library
libcoap-docDocumentation package for libcoap
libdrm-develDirect Rendering Manager development package
libedit-develDevelopment files for libedit
libfabric-develDevelopment files for libfabric
libgnomeGNOME base library
libmawk-develDevelopment files for libmawk
libmdLibrary that provides message digest functions from BSD systems
libpcapA system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libperf-develDevelopement files for the perf library from kernel source
libpmem2-develDevelopment files for the low-level persistent memory library
libpmem-develDevelopment files for the low-level persistent memory library
libpmemobj-develDevelopment files for the Persistent Memory Transactional Object Store library
libpmempool-develDevelopment files for Persistent Memory pool management library
libquvi-scriptsEmbedded lua scripts for parsing the media details
librabbitmq-toolsExample tools built using the librabbitmq package
librdmacmUserspace RDMA Connection Manager
libreswanInternet Key Exchange (IKEv1 and IKEv2) implementation for IPsec
libretlsPort of libtls from LibreSSL to OpenSSL
libsmbclient-develDeveloper tools for the SMB client library
libtermkey-develDevelopment files needed for libtermkey
libtickit-develDevelopment files needed for libtickit
liburing-develDevelopment files for Linux-native io_uring I/O access library
libvirt-clientClient side utilities of the libvirt library
libvmaA library for boosting TCP and UDP traffic (over RDMA hardware)
libxoA Library for Generating Text, XML, JSON, and HTML Output
libyazShared libraries for yaz
linux-atmTools to support ATM networking under Linux
lizardfs-clientLizardFS client
lksctp-toolsUser-space access to Linux Kernel SCTP
lmfit-develDevelopment files for lmfit
lttng-toolsLTTng control and utility programs
lvm2Userland logical volume management tools
lxc-libsRuntime library files for lxc
maildir-utilsA command-line mail organization utility
maildropMail delivery agent with filtering abilities
mandocA suite of tools for compiling mdoc and man
man-pagesLinux kernel and C library user-space interface documentation
mawkInterpreter for the AWK programming language
memkindUser Extensible Heap Manager
mimedefangE-mail filtering framework using Sendmail's Milter interface
mk-configureA build system on top of bmake
mosquittoOpen Source MQTT v5/v3.1.x Broker
mungeEnables uid & gid authentication across a host cluster
n2nA layer-two peer-to-peer virtual private network
nanomsg-develDevelopment files for nanomsg
ncidNetwork Caller ID server, client and gateways
ncid-clientNCID (Network Caller ID) client
ncid-gatewaysNCID (Network Caller ID) gateways
ncursesNcurses support utilities
netavarkOCI network stack
NetworkManagerNetwork connection manager and user applications
NetworkManager-ovsOpen vSwitch device plugin for NetworkManager
nfs-utilsNFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server
nmhA capable MIME-email-handling system with a command-line interface
nordugrid-arc-monitorARC LDAP monitor web application
notmuchSystem for indexing, searching, and tagging email
nvme-stasNVMe STorage Appliance Services
ocfs2-toolsTools for managing the Oracle Cluster Filesystem 2
ocl-icdOpenCL Library (Installable Client Library) Bindings
offlineimapPowerful IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
opencryptokiImplementation of the PKCS#11 (Cryptoki) specification v3.0
opendnssecDNSSEC key and zone management software
openhpiHardware Platform Interface library and tools
OpenIPMIIPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) library and tools
opensmtpdFree implementation of the server-side SMTP protocol as defined by RFC 5321
opensslUtilities from the general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
openssl-pkcs11-sign-providerA PKCS#11 provider for OpenSSL 3.0 (private key operations only)
openvswitchOpen vSwitch daemon/database/utilities
osbuild-composerAn image building service based on osbuild
ovnOpen Virtual Network support
pacemakerScalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
pacemaker-cliCommand line tools for controlling Pacemaker clusters
pam_scriptPAM module for executing scripts
parallelShell tool for executing jobs in parallel
pciutils-develLinux PCI development library
pilot-linkFile transfer utilities between Linux and PalmPilots
pipewire-libsLibraries for PipeWire clients
pipewire-pulseaudioPipeWire PulseAudio implementation
pkcs11-providerA PKCS#11 provider for OpenSSL 3.0+
pkgconf-m4m4 macros for pkgconf
po4aA tool maintaining translations anywhere
podmanManage Pods, Containers and Container Images
public-inboxAn archives-first approach to mailing lists
python3-dnfPython 3 interface to DNF
python3-ramalamaRamaLama is a command line tool for working with AI LLM models
qemu-commonQEMU common files needed by all QEMU targets
qemu-imgQEMU command line tool for manipulating disk images
radare2The reverse engineering framework
rancidReally Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
rbmReproducible Build Manager
rcmManagement suite for dotfiles
rdma-coreRDMA core userspace libraries and daemons
rdma-core-develRDMA core development libraries and headers
rdopkgRPM packaging automation tool CLI
RdRandLibrary for generating random numbers using the RDRAND (read random) instruction
resource-agentsOpen Source HA Reusable Cluster Resource Scripts
rgbdsA development package for the Game Boy, including an assembler
rizinUNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line tool-set
rubygem-ronn-ngBuilds man pages from Markdown
rxvt-unicodeUnicode version of rxvt
salt-masterManagement component for salt, a parallel remote execution system
samba-clientSamba client programs
samba-commonFiles used by both Samba servers and clients
sane-backendsScanner access software
smc-toolsShared Memory Communication Tools
smokepingLatency Logging and Graphing System
snobol4A port of Macro SNOBOL4
soxA general purpose sound file conversion tool
squeezeliteHeadless music player for streaming from Lyrion Music Server
sshguardProtects hosts from brute-force attacks against SSH and other services
swayi3-compatible window manager for Wayland
syncthingContinuous File Synchronization
sysconftoolMacros for aclocal to install configuration files
syslog-ng-slogsecure logging support for syslog-ng
systemdSystem and Service Manager
systemd-boot-unsignedUEFI boot manager (unsigned version)
systemd-udevRule-based device node and kernel event manager
systemtap-develProgrammable system-wide instrumentation system - development headers, tools
tigText-mode interface for the git revision control system
timewTimewarrior tracks and reports time
tntnetA web application server for web applications
tpm2-abrmdA system daemon implementing TPM2 Access Broker and Resource Manager
tpm2-tss-develHeaders and libraries for building apps that use tpm2-tss
tunedA dynamic adaptive system tuning daemon
tuned-profiles-atomicAdditional tuned profile(s) targeted to Atomic
tuned-profiles-compatAdditional tuned profiles mainly for backward compatibility with tuned 1.0
tuned-profiles-cpu-partitioningAdditional tuned profile(s) optimized for CPU partitioning
tuned-profiles-mssqlAdditional tuned profile(s) for MS SQL Server
tuned-profiles-nfv-guestAdditional tuned profile(s) targeted to Network Function Virtualization (NFV) guest
tuned-profiles-nfv-hostAdditional tuned profile(s) targeted to Network Function Virtualization (NFV) host
tuned-profiles-openshiftAdditional TuneD profile(s) optimized for OpenShift
tuned-profiles-oracleAdditional tuned profile(s) targeted to Oracle loads
tuned-profiles-postgresqlAdditional tuned profile(s) targeted to PostgreSQL server loads
tuned-profiles-realtimeAdditional tuned profile(s) targeted to realtime
tuned-profiles-sapAdditional tuned profile(s) targeted to SAP NetWeaver loads
tuned-profiles-sap-hanaAdditional tuned profile(s) targeted to SAP HANA loads
tuned-profiles-spectrumscaleAdditional tuned profile(s) optimized for IBM Spectrum Scale
ubertoothBluetooth wireless development platform for experimentation
udisksStorage Management Service
unixcwShared library for Morse programs
unixODBCA complete ODBC driver manager for Linux
upowerPower Management Service
urlwatchA tool for monitoring webpages for updates
valkey-docDocumentation and extra man pages for valkey
varnishHigh-performance HTTP accelerator
vectorscanA portable fork of hyperscan, used as a high performance pcre replacement
votcaVersatile Object-oriented Toolkit for Coarse-graining Applications
waffle-develDevelopment headers and libraries for waffle
westonReference compositor for Wayland
wicked-develNetwork configuration infrastructure - Development files
wofiA launcher/menu program for wlroots based wayland compositors
wordnetA lexical database for the English language
xautomationTools to automate tasks in X, even detecting on screen images
xen-runtimeCore Xen runtime environment
xkeyboard-configX Keyboard Extension configuration data
xtbSemiempirical Extended Tight-Binding Program Package
yasm-develHeader files and static libraries for the yasm Modular Assembler
yazZ39.50/SRW/SRU toolkit
zeromqSoftware library for fast, message-based applications