truchet - Man Page

draws curved or angular Truchet patterns


truchet [--display host:display.screen]  [--foreground color] [--background color] [--window] [--root] [--window-id number][--mono] [--install] [--visual visual] [--delay milliseconds] [--min-width integer] [--min-height integer] [--max-width integer]  [--max-height integer] [--max-linewidth integer] [--min-linewidth integer]  [--erase] [--no-erase] [--erase-count integer] [--square] [--not-square] [--curves] [--no-curves] [--angle] [--no-angles] [--scroll] [--scroll-overlap integer]  [--anim-delay integer] [--anim-step-size integer]



The truchet program draws arc and line based Truchet patterns.


truchet accepts the following options:


Draw on a newly-created window.  This is the default.


Draw on the root window.

--window-id number

Draw on the specified window.


If on a color display, pretend we're on a monochrome display.


Install a private colormap for the window.

--visual visual

Specify which visual to use.  Legal values are the name of a visual class, or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.

--delay milliseconds

How long to wait between drawing each screenful. Default is 1 seconds.

--min-width integer

The minimum width in pixels of each square. Default is 40.

--min-height integer

The minimum height in pixels of each square. Default is 40.

--max-width integer

The maximum width in pixels of each square. Default is 150.

--max-height integer

The maximum height in pixels of each square. Default is 150.

--max-linewidth integer

The maximum width of the lines used to draw. Default is 25.

--min-linewidth integer

The minimum width of the lines used to draw. Default is 2.


Whether to clear the screen after each screenful is drawn. Default is True (erase).

--erase-count integer

The number of screenfuls to draw before erasing. Default is 25.


Whether to force the tiles to be square. Default is True (square).


Whether to draw the arc based Truchet pattern. Default is True (curves).


Whether or not to draw the line based Truchet pattern. Default is True (angles)


Use the scroll mode. Default is False.


The amount to scroll from one side to another. Default is 400.


The time to pause between each animation step. Default is 100.


The amount of steps to skip between each animation step. Default is 3.


Display the current frame rate and CPU load.



to get the default host and display number.


to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.


The window ID to use with --root.

See Also

X(1), xscreensaver(1)


Adrian Likins, 1998.


6.09-3.fc42 (23-Sep-2024) X Version 11 XScreenSaver manual