openlierox - Man Page
real-time, excessive clone of Worms with network support.
OpenLieroX is based on Jason Boettcher's famous Liero Xtreme. Jason B. has released his work in 2006 under the zlib-licence and after some months of work, we ported and enhanced his work and got OpenLieroX.
openlierox [options]
OpenLieroX reads all the configuration options from a configuration file at startup but you can override from command line a few of the options:
- -help
Show commandline help.
- -opengl
Use OpenGL for drawing.
- -noopengl
Explicitly disable using OpenGL.
- -fullscreen
Run the game in fullscreen mode.
- -window
Run the game in windowed mode.
- -nosound
Disable sound output.
- -nojoystick
Disable joystick detection.
- -dedicated
Enable dedicated mode - no graphics or sound initialized, OpenLieroX runs as standalone console process. The file 'scripts/dedicated_control' is executed by OpenLieroX - this file is CGI-like script which operates the OpenLieroX server. It is located in default directory '/usr/share/games/OpenLieroX' , but may be overridden by user as '~/.OpenLieroX/scripts/dedicated_control'.
- -exec COMMAND
Executes a command inside game console after starting openlierox. Several -exec statements may be specified.
Start a game client and immediately connect to the specified server.
Configuration file name is '~/.OpenLieroX/cfg/options.cfg'.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms specified in the GNU Public Licence (GPL).
Copyright and Credits
- Joosa Riekkinen
Author of original Liero for DOS.
- Jason Boettcher
Author of Liero Xtreme.
- Bram Ueffing
Project ex-admin.
- Albert Zeyer, Karel Petranek, Sergii Pylypenko
Current OpenLieroX developers.
- Martin Griffin, Daniel Sjoholm
Inactive OpenLieroX developers.
- Michal Futer ( [RIP]Raziel )
GUI frontend designer.
The OpenLieroX homepage.
And many others for comments, bug reports and ideas.