goop - Man Page

squishy transparent oil and bubble screenhack


goop [--display host:display.screen] [--foreground color] [--background color] [--window] [--root] [--window-id number][--mono] [--install] [--visual visual] [--transparent] [--non-transparent] [--additive] [--subtractive] [--xor] [--no-xor] [--fps]


The goop program draws a simulation of bubbles in layers of  overlapping multicolored translucent fluid.


goop accepts the following options:


Draw on a newly-created window.  This is the default.


Draw on the root window.

--window-id number

Draw on the specified window.


If on a color display, pretend we're on a monochrome display.


Install a private colormap for the window.

--visual visual

Specify which visual to use.  Legal values are the name of a visual class, or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.

--count integer

How many bubbles to draw per layer.  Default: random.

--planes integer

How many planes to draw.  Default: random, based on screen depth.

--delay microseconds

How much of a delay should be introduced between steps of the animation. Default 12000, or about 0.012 seconds.


If --layers is greater than 1, then each layer will be drawn in one color, and when they overlap, the colors will be mixed. This is the default.


Turns off --transparent.


If --transparent is specified, then this option means that the colors will be mixed using an additive color model, as if the blobs were projected light.  This is the default.


If --transparent is specified, then this option means that the colors will be mixed using a subtractive color model, as if the blobs were translucent filters.


Draw with xor instead of the other color tricks.


Display the current frame rate and CPU load.



to get the default host and display number.


to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.


The window ID to use with --root.

See Also

X(1), xscreensaver(1)


Jamie Zawinski <>, 11-Jun-97.


6.09-3.fc42 (23-Sep-2024) X Version 11 XScreenSaver manual