chocolate-doom-setup - Man Page

configuration tool for chocolate-doom


chocolate-doom-setup [Options]


Chocolate Doom is a modern Doom engine designed to behave as similar to the original Doom game as is possible.

chocolate-doom-setup is a tool for configuring Chocolate Doom. It provides a menu-based interface for the display, joystick, keyboard, mouse, sound and compatibility settings.

chocolate-doom-setup can also be used to start and join network games.


-config <file>

Load configuration from the specified file, instead of default.cfg.

-extraconfig <file>

Load extra configuration from the specified file, instead of chocolate-doom.cfg.

See Also

chocolate-doom(6), default.cfg(5), chocolate-doom.cfg(5)


Chocolate Doom is written and maintained by Simon Howard.

This manual was written by Jonathan Dowland.

Referenced By

chocolate-doom.cfg(5), default.cfg(5).