utoprc - Man Page

Configuration file of utop




This manual page describes the format of the ~/.utoprc file. This is a text file which contains the configuration of utop. Comments start with a '!' and empty lines are ignored. Configuration lines are of the form:

       <wildcard>: <value>

<wildcard> may contain the '*' asterisk character. In that case any key which matches the pattern is given the value after the colon.

The boolean key autoload can be set to false to disable the autoloading of files in $OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH/autoload at startup.

The key external-editor can be set to a command line. It is used to edit the input when pressing C-x C-e. It defaults to the contents of the EDITOR environment variable.

The key profile may have the value dark or light. This is the same as calling UTop.set_profile in ~/.config/utop/init.ml.

The following style keys are used by utop:

       * identifier
       * module
       * comment
       * doc
       * constant
       * keyword
       * symbol
       * string
       * char
       * quotation
       * error
       * directive
       * parenthesis
       * blanks

For each of these keys, the following sub-keys are used:

       * key.foreground
       * key.background
       * key.bold
       * key.underline
       * key.reverse
       * key.blink

key.foreground and key.background are colors, and the others are booleans. Colors may be one of the standard terminal colors:

       * black
       * red
       * green
       * yellow
       * blue
       * magenta
       * cyan
       * white
       * light-black
       * light-red
       * light-green
       * light-yellow
       * light-blue
       * light-magenta
       * light-cyan
       * light-white

or X11 colors, prefixed with "x-". For example:

       identifier.foreground:  x-goldenrod

Colors can also be given by their RGB components, written #RRGGBB. For example:

       identifier.foreground:  #5fbf7f

utop will choose the nearest color of the terminal when specifying an X11 color or a color given by its RGB components. If you are using gnome-terminal or konsole, you can enable 256 colors by setting the environment variable TERM to "xterm-256color".




profile:                  dark

identifier.foreground:    none

comment.foreground:       x-chocolate1

doc.foreground:           x-light-salmon

constant.foreground:      x-aquamarine

keyword.foreground:       x-cyan1

symbol.foreground:        x-cyan1

string.foreground:        x-light-salmon

char.foreground:          x-light-salmon

quotation.foreground:     x-purple

error.foreground:         x-red

parenthesis.background:   blue


Jérémie Dimino <jeremie@dimino.org>

See Also


Referenced By

utop(1), utop-full(1).

August 2011