ncidd.greylist - Man Page

greylist file for ncidd hangup


The ncidd.greylist file contains the numbers that have been processed by the hangup-greylist extension.  This file is managed by the hangup-greylist extension and should not normally be edited by hand.  Incorrect formatting may cause the extension to fail.

Each entry line contains a phone number and name recorded from the caller ID plus an expiration time. The time limit is expressed in seconds since the epoch. The format is similar to that used by ncidd when passing calls to the extension.

There are three named fields.  Field names and field data are separated by asterisks.  For example:

*NMBR*1234567890*NAME*Fred Jones*EXPIRES*1584896614

See Also

ncidd(8), ncidd.conf(5), ncidd.alias(5), ncidd.blacklist(5)

Referenced By


2021-01-7 NCID