sc_RefSymmSCMatrix - Man Page
The RefSymmSCMatrix class is a smart pointer to an SCSymmSCMatrix specialization.
#include <matrix.h>
Inherits sc::Ref< SymmSCMatrix >.
Public Member Functions
RefSymmSCMatrix ()
Initializes the matrix pointer to 0.
RefSymmSCMatrix (const RefSymmSCMatrix &m)
Make this and m refer to the same SCMatrix.
RefSymmSCMatrix (SymmSCMatrix *m)
Make this refer to m.
RefSymmSCMatrix & operator= (SymmSCMatrix *m)
Make this refer to m.
RefSymmSCMatrix & operator= (const RefSymmSCMatrix &m)
Make this and m refer to the same matrix.
RefSymmSCMatrix (const RefSCDimension &d, const Ref< SCMatrixKit > &)
Create a vector with dimension d by d.
RefSCMatrix operator* (const RefSCMatrix &) const
Multiply this by a matrix and return a matrix.
RefSCMatrix operator* (const RefSymmSCMatrix &) const
RefSCVector operator* (const RefSCVector &a) const
Multiply this by a vector and return a vector.
RefSymmSCMatrix operator* (double) const
RefSymmSCMatrix operator+ (const RefSymmSCMatrix &) const
Matrix addition and subtraction.
RefSymmSCMatrix operator- (const RefSymmSCMatrix &) const
RefSymmSCMatrix i () const
Return the inverse of this.
RefSymmSCMatrix gi () const
Return the generalized inverse of this.
RefSymmSCMatrix clone () const
These call the SCMatrix members of the same name after checking for references to 0.
RefSymmSCMatrix copy () const
void set_element (int, int, double) const
void accumulate_element (int, int, double) const
double get_element (int, int) const
RefSCMatrix get_subblock (int br, int er, int bc, int ec)
RefSymmSCMatrix get_subblock (int br, int er)
void assign_subblock (const RefSCMatrix &, int br, int er, int bc, int ec)
void assign_subblock (const RefSymmSCMatrix &, int br, int er)
void accumulate_subblock (const RefSCMatrix &, int, int, int, int)
void accumulate_subblock (const RefSymmSCMatrix &, int, int)
RefSCVector get_row (int)
void assign_row (const RefSCVector &, int)
void accumulate_row (const RefSCVector &, int)
void accumulate_symmetric_outer_product (const RefSCVector &) const
double scalar_product (const RefSCVector &) const
void accumulate_symmetric_product (const RefSCMatrix &) const
void accumulate_symmetric_sum (const RefSCMatrix &) const
void accumulate_transform (const RefSCMatrix &a, const RefSymmSCMatrix &b, SCMatrix::Transform=SCMatrix::NormalTransform) const
Add a * b * a.t() to this.
void accumulate_transform (const RefSCMatrix &a, const RefDiagSCMatrix &b, SCMatrix::Transform=SCMatrix::NormalTransform) const
void accumulate_transform (const RefSymmSCMatrix &a, const RefSymmSCMatrix &b) const
void randomize () const
void assign (const RefSymmSCMatrix &) const
void scale (double) const
void assign (double) const
void assign (const double *) const
void assign (const double **) const
void convert (double *) const
void convert (double **) const
void accumulate (const RefSymmSCMatrix &) const
void element_op (const Ref< SCElementOp > &) const
void element_op (const Ref< SCElementOp2 > &, const RefSymmSCMatrix &) const
void element_op (const Ref< SCElementOp3 > &, const RefSymmSCMatrix &, const RefSymmSCMatrix &) const
double trace () const
int n () const
RefSCDimension dim () const
Ref< SCMatrixKit > kit () const
void print (std::ostream &) const
void print (const char *title=0, std::ostream &out=ExEnv::out0(), int=10) const
void save (StateOut &)
void restore (StateIn &)
Restores the matrix from StateIn object. The matrix must have been initialized already.
double solve_lin (const RefSCVector &) const
Solves this x = v.
double determ () const
Returns the determinant of the referenced matrix.
RefDiagSCMatrix eigvals () const
Returns the eigenvalues of the reference matrix.
RefSCMatrix eigvecs () const
Returns the eigenvectors of the reference matrix.
void diagonalize (const RefDiagSCMatrix &eigvals, const RefSCMatrix &eigvecs) const
Sets eigvals to the eigenvalues and eigvecs to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the referenced matrix.
SymmSCMatrixdouble operator() (int i, int j) const
Assign and examine matrix elements.
int nblock () const
If this matrix is blocked return the number of blocks.
RefSymmSCMatrix block (int i) const
If this matrix is blocked return block i.
Public Member Functions inherited from sc::Ref< SymmSCMatrix >
Ref ()
Create a reference to a null object.
Ref (SymmSCMatrix *a)
Create a reference to the object a.
Ref (const Ref< SymmSCMatrix > &a)
Create a reference to the object referred to by a.
Ref (const Ref< A > &a)
Create a reference to the object referred to by a.
~Ref ()
Create a reference to the object a.
SymmSCMatrix * operator-> () const
Returns the reference counted object.
SymmSCMatrix * pointer () const
Returns a pointer the reference counted object.
RefCount * parentpointer () const
Implements the parentpointer pure virtual in the base class.
operator SymmSCMatrix * () const
SymmSCMatrix & operator* () const
Returns a C++ reference to the reference counted object.
int null () const
Return 1 if this is a reference to a null object.
int nonnull () const
Return !null().
int operator== (const Ref< A > &a) const
A variety of ordering and equivalence operators are provided using the Identity class.
int operator>= (const Ref< A > &a) const
int operator<= (const Ref< A > &a) const
int operator> (const Ref< A > &a) const
int operator< (const Ref< A > &a) const
int operator!= (const Ref< A > &a) const
int compare (const Ref< SymmSCMatrix > &a) const
Compare two objects returning -1, 0, or 1.
void clear ()
Refer to the null object.
Ref< SymmSCMatrix > & operator= (const Ref< SymmSCMatrix > &c)
Assignment to c.
Ref< SymmSCMatrix > & operator= (const Ref< A > &c)
Assignment to c.
Ref< SymmSCMatrix > & operator= (SymmSCMatrix *cr)
Assignment to cr.
Ref< SymmSCMatrix > & operator<< (const RefBase &a)
Assignment to the object that a references using dynamic_cast.
Ref< SymmSCMatrix > & operator<< (RefCount *a)
Assigns to the given base class pointer using dynamic_cast.
void assign_pointer (SymmSCMatrix *cr)
Assignment to cr.
void check_pointer () const
Check the validity of the pointer.
void ref_info (std::ostream &os) const
Print information about the reference to os.
void warn (const char *s) const
Print a warning concerning the reference.
Public Member Functions inherited from sc::RefBase
void require_nonnull () const
Requires that a nonnull reference is held.
Additional Inherited Members
Protected Member Functions inherited from sc::RefBase
void warn (const char *msg) const
Print a warning message.
void warn_ref_to_stack () const
Called when stack data is referenced.
void warn_skip_stack_delete () const
Called when the deletion of stack data is skipped.
void warn_bad_ref_count () const
Called when the reference count is corrupted.
void ref_info (RefCount *p, std::ostream &os) const
Print information about the reference.
void ref_info (std::ostream &os) const
void check_pointer () const
void reference (RefCount *)
int dereference (RefCount *)
Detailed Description
The RefSymmSCMatrix class is a smart pointer to an SCSymmSCMatrix specialization.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
sc::RefSymmSCMatrix::RefSymmSCMatrix ()
Initializes the matrix pointer to 0. The reference must be initialized before it is used.
Referenced by accumulate_transform(), block(), clone(), gi(), i(), operator*(), operator*(), operator+(), operator=(), operator=(), RefSymmSCMatrix(), and RefSymmSCMatrix().
sc::RefSymmSCMatrix::RefSymmSCMatrix (const RefSCDimension & d, const Ref< SCMatrixKit > & )
Create a vector with dimension d by d. The data values are undefined.
References sc::Ref< SymmSCMatrix >::Ref().
Member Function Documentation
RefSymmSCMatrix sc::RefSymmSCMatrix::block (int i) const
If this matrix is blocked return block i. Otherwise return this as block 0.
References i(), and RefSymmSCMatrix().
void sc::RefSymmSCMatrix::diagonalize (const RefDiagSCMatrix & eigvals, const RefSCMatrix & eigvecs) const
Sets eigvals to the eigenvalues and eigvecs to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the referenced matrix. The result satisfies eigvecs * eigvals * eigvecs.t() = (*this).
References eigvals(), and eigvecs().
int sc::RefSymmSCMatrix::nblock () const
If this matrix is blocked return the number of blocks. Otherwise return 1.
double sc::RefSymmSCMatrix::solve_lin (const RefSCVector & ) const
Solves this x = v. Overwrites v with x.
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