rte_ring - Man Page


#include <rte_ring_core.h>

Data Structures

union __rte_cache_aligned

Data Fields

int flags
const struct rte_memzone * memzone
uint32_t size
uint32_t mask
uint32_t capacity

Detailed Description

An RTE ring structure.

The producer and the consumer have a head and a tail index. The particularity of these index is that they are not between 0 and size(ring)-1. These indexes are between 0 and 2^32 -1, and we mask their value when we access the ring[] field. Thanks to this assumption, we can do subtractions between 2 index values in a modulo-32bit base: that's why the overflow of the indexes is not a problem.

Definition at line 116 of file rte_ring_core.h.

Field Documentation


Name of the ring.

Definition at line 117 of file rte_ring_core.h.

int flags

Flags supplied at creation.

Definition at line 119 of file rte_ring_core.h.

const struct rte_memzone* memzone

Memzone, if any, containing the rte_ring

Definition at line 120 of file rte_ring_core.h.

uint32_t size

Size of ring.

Definition at line 122 of file rte_ring_core.h.

uint32_t mask

Mask (size-1) of ring.

Definition at line 123 of file rte_ring_core.h.

uint32_t capacity

Usable size of ring

Definition at line 124 of file rte_ring_core.h.


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