rte_eth_ip_reassembly_dynfield_t - Man Page


#include <rte_ethdev.h>

Data Fields

struct rte_mbuf * next_frag
uint16_t time_spent
uint16_t nb_frags

Detailed Description

In case of IP reassembly offload failure, packet will be updated with dynamic flag - RTE_MBUF_DYNFLAG_IP_REASSEMBLY_INCOMPLETE_NAME and packets will be returned without alteration. The application can retrieve the attached fragments using mbuf dynamic field RTE_MBUF_DYNFIELD_IP_REASSEMBLY_NAME.

Definition at line 5886 of file rte_ethdev.h.

Field Documentation

struct rte_mbuf* next_frag

Next fragment packet. Application should fetch dynamic field of each fragment until a NULL is received and nb_frags is 0.

Definition at line 5891 of file rte_ethdev.h.

uint16_t time_spent

Time spent(in ms) by HW in waiting for further fragments.

Definition at line 5893 of file rte_ethdev.h.

uint16_t nb_frags

Number of more fragments attached in mbuf dynamic fields.

Definition at line 5895 of file rte_ethdev.h.


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Version 24.11.1 DPDK