rte_cryptodev_cb - Man Page


#include <rte_cryptodev.h>

Data Fields

struct rte_cryptodev_cb * next
rte_cryptodev_callback_fn fn
void * arg

Detailed Description

Structure used to hold information about the callbacks to be called for a queue pair on enqueue/dequeue.

Definition at line 1043 of file rte_cryptodev.h.

Field Documentation

struct rte_cryptodev_cb* next

Pointer to next callback

Definition at line 1044 of file rte_cryptodev.h.

rte_cryptodev_callback_fn fn

Pointer to callback function

Definition at line 1046 of file rte_cryptodev.h.

void* arg

Pointer to argument

Definition at line 1048 of file rte_cryptodev.h.


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Version 24.11.1 DPDK