pmemobj_log_get_threshold - Man Page

get the logging threshold value


    #include <libpmemobj.h>

    int pmemobj_log_get_threshold(enum pmemobj_log_threshold threshold,
        enum pmemobj_log_level *value);


pmemobj_log_get_threshold() gets the current value of the threshold. See pmemobj_log_set_threshold(3) for available thresholds and values.

Return Value

On success, pmemobj_log_get_threshold() function returns 0 and writes into value the current value of the threshold. On failure, it returns a non-zero value and sets errno. In case of failure, the value contents is undefined.


pmemobj_log_get_threshold() can fail with the following errors:

See Also

pmemobj_log_set_function(3), pmemobj_log_set_threshold(3).

Referenced By

pmemobj_log_set_function(3), pmemobj_log_set_threshold(3).

2024-07-18 PMDK - PMDK Programmer's Manual