plbop.3plplot - Man Page

Begin a new page




Begins a new page.  For a file driver, the output file is opened if necessary.  Advancing the page via pleop(3plplot) and plbop(3plplot) is useful when a page break is desired at a particular point when plotting to subpages.  Another use for pleop(3plplot) and plbop(3plplot) is when plotting pages to different files, since you can manually set the file name by calling plsfnam(3plplot) after the call to pleop(3plplot). (In fact some drivers may only support a single page per file, making this a necessity.)  One way to handle this case automatically is to page advance via pladv(3plplot), but enable familying (see plsfam(3plplot)) with a small limit on the file size so that a new family member file will be created on each page break.

Redacted form: plbop()

This function is used in examples 2 and 20.


Many developers (who are credited at have contributed to PLplot over its long history.

See Also

PLplot documentation at


February, 2025 PLplot API