pbs_rlsjob - Man Page
release a hold on a pbs batch job
#include <pbs_error.h>
#include <pbs_ifl.h>
int pbs_rlsjob(int connect, char *job_id, char *hold_type, char *extend)
Issue a batch request to release a hold from a job.
A Release Job batch request is generated and sent to the server over the connection specified by connect which is the return value of pbs_connect().
The argument, job_id, identifies the job from which the hold is to be released, it is specified in the form: sequence_number.server
The parameter, hold_type, contains the type of hold to be released. The possible values are defined in pbs_ifl.h as:
- #define USER_HOLD "u"
Available to the owner of the job, the batch operator, and the batch administrator.
- #define OTHER_HOLD "o"
Available to the batch operator and the batch administrator.
- #define SYSTEM_HOLD "s"
Available only to the batch administrator.
If hold_type is either a null pointer or points to a null string, USER_HOLD will be released.
The parameter, extend, is reserved for implementation defined extensions.
See Also
qrls(1B), qhold(1B), qalter(1B), pbs_alterjob(3B), pbs_connect(3B), and pbs_holdjob(3B)
When the batch request generated by pbs_rlsjob() function has been completed successfully by a batch server, the routine will return 0 (zero). Otherwise, a non zero error is returned. The error number is also set in pbs_errno.