pappl-mainloop - Man Page

pappl main loop functions


Printer Application Framework (libpappl, "pkg-config --cflags --libs pappl")


#include <pappl/pappl.h>

papplMainloop(int argc, char *argv[], const char *version, const char *footer_html, int num_drivers, pappl_driver_t *drivers, pappl_driver_cb_t driver_cb, pappl_ml_autoadd_cb_t autoadd_cb, const char *subcmd_name, pappl_ml_subcmd_cb_t subcmd_cb, pappl_ml_system_cb_t system_cb, pappl_ml_usage_cb_t usage_cb, void *data);



mainloop function starts the printer application and supports standard command-line arguments and behaviors.



Run a standard main loop for printer applications.

int  papplMainloop (
    int argc,
    char *argv[],
    const char *version,
    const char *footer_html,
    int num_drivers,
    pappl_pr_driver_t *drivers,
    pappl_pr_autoadd_cb_t autoadd_cb,
    pappl_pr_driver_cb_t driver_cb,
    const char *subcmd_name,
    pappl_ml_subcmd_cb_t subcmd_cb,
    pappl_ml_system_cb_t system_cb,
    pappl_ml_usage_cb_t usage_cb,
    void *data

This function runs a standard main loop for a printer application.  The "argc" and "argv" arguments are those provided to the main function.

The "version" argument specifies a numeric version number for the printer application that conforms to semantic versioning guidelines with up to four numbers, for example "".

The "footer_html" argument specifies HTML text to use in the footer of the web interface.  If NULL, the footer is omitted.

The "num_drivers", "drivers", and "driver_cb" arguments specify a list of drivers and the driver callback for printers.  Specify 0 and NULL if the drivers are configured in the system callback.  The "autoadd_cb" argument specifies a callback for automatically adding new printers with the "autoadd" sub-command and for auto-detecting the driver when adding manually.

The "usage_cb" argument specifies a callback that displays a usage/help summary.  If NULL, a generic summary is shown as needed.

The "subcmd_name" and "subcmd_cb" arguments specify the name and a callback for a custom sub-command.  If NULL, no custom sub-commands will be supported.

The "system_cb" argument specifies a function that will create a new pappl_system_t object.  If NULL, a default system object is created.

The "data" argument provides application-specific data for each of the callbacks.


Request a shutdown of a running system.

void papplMainloopShutdown (void);

This function requests that the system started by papplMainloop be shutdown.



Sub-command callback

typedef int (*pappl_ml_subcmd_cb_t)(const char *base_name, int num_options, cups_option_t *options, int num_files, char **files, void *data);


System callback

typedef pappl_system_t * (*pappl_ml_system_cb_t)(int num_options, cups_option_t *options, void *data);


Program usage callback

typedef void (*pappl_ml_usage_cb_t)(void *data);

See Also

pappl(1), pappl-client(3), pappl-device(3), pappl-job(3), pappl-log(3), pappl-mainline(3), pappl-makeresheader(1), pappl-printer(3), pappl-resource(3), pappl-system(3),


2024-01-22 pappl main loop functions