ocspd - Man Page
OCSP Daemon
openca-ocspd [-d] [-p n] [-b address] [-c file] [-md digest] [-k passwd] [-i passin] [-e engine] [-r chroot_dir] [-v]
The openca-ocspd is an RFC2560 compliant OCSPD responder. It can be used to verify the status of a certificate using OCSP clients (such as Mozilla/Netscape7).
- -d
detach the main process from the calling process.
- -p n
specifies the port to bind to. Default is 2560.
- -b address
specifies the IP address to bind to. Default behaviour is to listen to every IP available (equal to '*' value).
- -c file
specifies the configuration file to be loaded. Default file loaded is /usr/local/etc/ocspd.conf.
- -md digest
specifies the digest to be used when generating responses. Default is sha1.
- -k passwd
specifies the password to be used when loading the private key.
- -i passin
the key password source. For more information about the format of arg see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section in openssl(1).
- -engine id
specifying an engine (by it's unique id string) will cause the responder to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine, thus initialising it if needed. The engine will then be set as the default for all available algorithms.
- -r chroot_dir
Chroot the application into the specified directory.
- -v
this prints extra details about the operations being performed.
Actually not extensive testing has been carried out, anyway this daemon is reported to work with Mozilla/Netscape.
To reload the certificate's db simply send a SIGHUP to the main process ( kill -s SIGHUP pid ).
openca-ocspd -c contrib/ocspd.conf
Massimiliano Pala <madwolf@openca.org>
See Also
openca(3),openssl(1), ocsp(1)