naming - Man Page


naming — Naming Scheme for the Computational Routines

The computational subroutines, that are not part of a Fortran 90 module, follow the Fortran 77 old style calling conventions. The routines have the following naming scheme:


Thereby, the three components AAA, EEE, and WWW have to following meanings:


AAA specifies the data type/precision for the numerical input values. This is either SLA for Single Precision Linear Algebra or DLA for Double Precision Linear Algebra. A few routines begin with different prefixes. These routines are only for internal usage and not meant to be called from outside. Making them visible is necessary to fix some issues with different Fortran compilers.


FF are two characters specifying the coefficient matrices. This can be one the following combinations:


TR, the coefficient matrices are (quasi) upper triangular matrices.


TG, the coefficient matrices are matrix pairs with (quasi) upper triangular matrices.


GE, the coefficient matrices are general matrices.


GG, the coefficient matrices are general matrices, that appear in matrix pairs.


EE specifies the equations, this can be


SYLV, for Sylvester equations


SYLV2, for discrete time Sylvester equations


LYAP, for Lyapunov equations


STEIN, for Stein equations


CSYLV, for the coupled generalized Sylvester equation


CSYLV_DUAL, for the dual coupled generalized Sylvester equation


WWW (optionally) specifies the details about the solver. The following strings can be part of this description:


L3, for a level-3 solver


L2, for a level-2 solver


DAG, for a parallel, graph-scheduled, solver


RECURSIVE, for a recursive solver


REFINE, for a solver which uses iterative refinement

Additionally, the WWW contains hints about the optimizations in the routines. For details, see the documentation of the individual routines.


Fri Oct 25 2024 00:00:00 Version 1.1.1 MEPACK