msr_samprate - Man Page

Determine sample rate from an MSRecord structure


#include <libmseed.h>

double  msr_samprate ( MSRecord *msr );

double  msr_nomsamprate ( MSRecord *msr );


msr_samprate will calculate a double precision sample rate in samples per second using the header values in the specified MSRecord. If a Blockette 100 is included, the "Actual sample rate" (field 3) will be returned, otherwise a nominal sample rate will be calculated from the sample rate factor and multiplier in the fixed section data header.

NOTE: The sample rate for a MSRecord structure is available directly at MSRecord.samplerate.  libmseed based programs should use that sample rate whenever possible (msr_unpack uses msr_samprate to set MSRecord.samplerate).

msr_nomsamprate will calculate a double precision sample rate in samples per second using the sample rate factor and multiplier in the fixed section data header.

Return Values

msr_samprate returns a double precision sample rate on success and -1.0 on error.

msr_nomsamprate returns a double precision sample rate on success and -1.0 on error.

See Also

ms_intro(3) and msr_unpack(3).


Chad Trabant
IRIS Data Management Center

Referenced By

The man page msr_nomsamprate(3) is an alias of msr_samprate(3).

2006/02/27 Libmseed API