krazyrc - Man Page

krazy control directives


.krazy files provide directives that control how the Krazy Code Checking tools perform within a KDE source directory.

Each line in the file can be a control directive, a blank line, or a comment. Comment lines start with the # character.

If multiple instances of a directive are specified they will be merged together in a logical way.


The following directives are understood by the Krazy Code Checking tools:

EXCLUDE plugin1[,plugin2,...]

Remove the specified plugins from the default set of checkers.

CHECK plugin1[,plugin2,...]

Run only the specified list of plugins from the default set of checkers. You may not combine this with the CHECKSET directive nor with the --check-sets  command line option.

Note: the CHECK directive takes precedence over the EXCLUDE directive; i.e, plugins specified by the CHECK directive are always run, even if they are also specified in an EXCLUDE directive.

CHECKSETS set1[,set2,...]

Run the checker programs belonging to the specified set(s) only. You may not combine this with the CHECK directive nor with the --check  command line option.

EXTRA plugin1[,plugin2,...]

Add the specified list of "extra" plugins to the default set of checkers.

TYPES type1[,type2,...]

Check the specified file type(s) only.

EXCLUDETYPES type1[,type2,...]

Do NOT check the specified file type(s).

SKIP regexp

Do not process any file that maches the specified perl regular expression. See the perlreref(1) man page for a description of how to write a perl regular expression.

PRIORITY priority

Set the priority value. Must be one of "low", "normal", "high", "important", "all".

STRICT strict

Set the strict value. Must be one of "normal", "super", "all".

OUTPUT output

Set the output level. Must be one of "quiet", "brief", "all".

"quiet" means no output is printed, even if --verbose is passed on the command line.

"brief" will only print checker summaries if the check has at least 1 issue.

"all" is the normal mode and prints all checker summaries

EXPORT export-type

Set the default export-type value. Must be one of the following:

"text" (default)

"textlist" prints 1 offending file-per-line

"textedit" prints text formatted for IDEs, 1 issue-per-line

"xml" prints XML formatted intended for follow-on processing


Tell the "style" checker to follow the guidelines of the specified C++-style.

C++-style must be one of the following:

Note: Krazy uses a heuristic to decide what type of C++-style to check against. That heuristic isn't very smart; so use this setting to enforce the C++-style.

Overrides the KRAZY_STYLE_CPPSTYLE environment variable, see krazy2(1).


Tell the "style" checker to check for a basic indentation level, usually a small integer like 2 or 4.  This value overrides the offset provided as part of the C++-style (see STYLE_CPPSTYLE).

Overrides the KRAZY_STYLE_OFFSET environment variable, see krazy2(1).


Tell the "style" checker to check for lines longer than this number of characters. The default is unlimited line length.

Overrides the KRAZY_STYLE_LINEMAX environment variable, see krazy2(1).

Admin Directives

This is a list of administrator directives used only by the krazy2xml(1) program and typically not interesting to the average user.

IGNORESUBS subdir1[,subdir2,...]

Do not run Krazy on the specified list of subdirectories. These must be KDE "project" subdirectories that reside at the top level of a KDE module.

EXTRASUBS subdir1[,subdir2,...]

Run Krazy on the specified list of subdirectories. These must be KDE "project" subdirectories that reside at the top level of a KDE module.

IGNOREMODS module1[,module2,...]

Do not run Krazy on the specified list of KDE modules. These must be KDE "module" subdirectories that reside at the top level of a KDE component.

See Also

krazy2(1), krazy2all(1), krazy2xml(1), perlreftut(1)


Allen Winter, <>

Referenced By

krazy2(1), krazy2all(1), krazy2xml(1).

2024-07-18 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation