gnutls_x509_ct_sct_get - Man Page

API function


#include <gnutls/x509-ext.h>

int gnutls_x509_ct_sct_get(const gnutls_x509_ct_scts_t scts, unsigned idx, time_t * timestamp, gnutls_datum_t * logid, gnutls_sign_algorithm_t * sigalg, gnutls_datum_t * signature);


const gnutls_x509_ct_scts_t scts

A list of SCTs

unsigned idx

The index of the target SCT in the list

time_t * timestamp

The timestamp of the SCT

gnutls_datum_t * logid

The LogID field of the SCT; must be freed with gnutls_free()

gnutls_sign_algorithm_t * sigalg

The signature algorithm

gnutls_datum_t * signature

The signature of the SCT; must be freed with gnutls_free()


This function will return a specific SCT (Signed Certificate Timestamp) stored in the SCT list  scts .

The datums holding the SCT's LogId and signature will be allocated using gnutls_malloc().


GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS (0) will be returned on success, GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE if  idx exceeds the number of SCTs in the list or a negative error value.

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3.8.8 gnutls