ecoli_parse - Man Page


ecoli_parse — Parse nodes

— Create parse tree from string input and grammar graph.  



#define EC_PNODE_GET_ROOT(parse)
#define EC_PNODE_FOREACH_CHILD(child,  pnode)
#define EC_PNODE_ITER_NEXT(root,  parse,  iter_children)


struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode (const struct ec_node *node)
void ec_pnode_free (struct ec_pnode *pnode)
void ec_pnode_free_children (struct ec_pnode *pnode)
struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_dup (const struct ec_pnode *pnode)
const struct ec_strvec * ec_pnode_get_strvec (const struct ec_pnode *pnode)
struct ec_pnode * ec_parse (const struct ec_node *node, const char *str)
struct ec_pnode * ec_parse_strvec (const struct ec_node *node, const struct ec_strvec *strvec)
int ec_parse_child (const struct ec_node *node, struct ec_pnode *pstate, const struct ec_strvec *strvec)
void ec_pnode_link_child (struct ec_pnode *pnode, struct ec_pnode *child)
void ec_pnode_unlink_child (struct ec_pnode *child)
struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_get_root (struct ec_pnode *pnode)
struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_get_parent (const struct ec_pnode *pnode)
struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_get_first_child (const struct ec_pnode *pnode)
struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_get_last_child (const struct ec_pnode *pnode)
struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_next (const struct ec_pnode *pnode)
const struct ec_node * ec_pnode_get_node (const struct ec_pnode *pnode)
void ec_pnode_del_last_child (struct ec_pnode *pnode)
struct ec_dict * ec_pnode_get_attrs (struct ec_pnode *pnode)
void ec_pnode_dump (FILE *out, const struct ec_pnode *pnode)
const struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_find (const struct ec_pnode *root, const char *id)
const struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_find_next (const struct ec_pnode *root, const struct ec_pnode *prev, const char *id, bool iter_children)
size_t ec_pnode_len (const struct ec_pnode *pnode)
size_t ec_pnode_matches (const struct ec_pnode *pnode)

Detailed Description

Create parse tree from string input and grammar graph.

Node parse API.

The parse operation is to check if an input (a string or vector of strings) matches the node tree. On success, the result is stored in a tree that describes which part of the input matches which node.

The parsing tree is sometimes referenced by another node than the root node. Use ec_pnode_get_root() to get the root node in that case.

Macro Definition Documentation


Return value of ec_parse_child() when input does not match grammar.

Definition at line 147 of file ecoli_parse.h.

#define EC_PNODE_GET_ROOT( parse)


    ({              \
    const struct ec_pnode *p_ = parse; /* check type */ \
    struct ec_pnode *pnode_ = (struct ec_pnode *)parse; \
    __typeof__(parse) res_;                 \
    (void)p_;                       \
    res_ = ec_pnode_get_root(pnode_);           \
    res_;                           \

Get the root of the parsing tree.

Get the root of the parsing tree, keeping the const statement if the argument has it.


parse A node in the parsing tree.


The root of the parsing tree.

Definition at line 211 of file ecoli_parse.h.

#define EC_PNODE_FOREACH_CHILD( child,  pnode)


    for (child = ec_pnode_get_first_child(pnode);       \
         child != NULL;                 \
         child = ec_pnode_next(child))          \

Iterate the children of a node.


child The item that will be set at each iteration.
pnode The parent node in the parsing tree.

Definition at line 284 of file ecoli_parse.h.

#define EC_PNODE_ITER_NEXT( root,  parse,  iter_children)


    ({      \
    const struct ec_pnode *p_ = parse; /* check type */     \
    struct ec_pnode *pnode_ = (struct ec_pnode *)parse;     \
    __typeof__(parse) res_;                     \
    (void)p_;                           \
    res_ = __ec_pnode_iter_next(root, pnode_, iter_children);   \
    res_;                               \

Definition at line 386 of file ecoli_parse.h.

Function Documentation

struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode (const struct ec_node * node)

Create an empty parsing tree.

This function is used internally when parsing an input using a grammar tree.


node The grammar node.


The empty parse tree.

void ec_pnode_free (struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Free a parsing tree.


pnode The root of the parsing tree to be freed. It must not have any parent.

void ec_pnode_free_children (struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Remove and free all the children of a parsing tree node.


pnode Node whose children will be freed.

struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_dup (const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Duplicate a parsing tree.


pnode A node inside a parsing tree.


A pointer to the copy of the input node, at the same place in the copy of the parsing tree. Return NULL on error (errno is set).

const struct ec_strvec * ec_pnode_get_strvec (const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get the string vector associated to a parsing node.

When an input is parsed successfully (i.e. the input string vector matches the grammar tree), the matching string vector is copied inside the associated parsing node.

For instance, parsing the input ["foo", "bar"] on a grammar which is a sequence of strings, the attached string vector will be ["foo", "bar"] on the root pnode, ["foo"] on the first leaf, and ["bar"] on the second leaf.

If the parsing tree does not match (see ec_pnode_matches()), it the associated string vector is NULL.


pnode The parsing node. If NULL, the function returns NULL.


The string vector associated to the parsing node, or NULL if the node is not yet parsed (this happens when building the parsing tree), or if the parsing tree does not match the input.

struct ec_pnode * ec_parse (const struct ec_node * node, const char * str)

Parse a string using a grammar tree.

This is equivalent to calling ec_parse_strvec() on the same node, with a string vector containing only the argument string str.


node The grammar node.
str The input string.


A parsing tree, or NULL on error (errno is set).

struct ec_pnode * ec_parse_strvec (const struct ec_node * node, const struct ec_strvec * strvec)

Parse a string vector using a grammar tree.

Generate a parsing tree by parsing the input string vector using the given grammar tree.

The parsing tree is composed of struct ec_pnode, and each of them is associated to a struct ec_node (the grammar node), to the string vector that matched the subtree, and to optional attributes.

When the input matches the grammar tree, the string vector associated to the root node of the returned parsing tree is the same than the strvec argument. Calling ec_pnode_matches() on this tree returns true.

If the input does not match the grammar tree, the returned parsing tree only contains one root node, with no associated string vector. Calling ec_pnode_matches() on this tree returns false.


node The grammar node.
strvec The input string vector.


A parsing tree, or NULL on error (errno is set).

int ec_parse_child (const struct ec_node * node, struct ec_pnode * pstate, const struct ec_strvec * strvec)

Parse a string vector using a grammar tree, from a parent node.

This function is usually called from an intermediate node (like ec_node_seq, ec_node_or, ...) to backfill the parsing tree, which is built piece by piece while browsing the grammar tree.

ec_parse_child() creates a new child in this parsing tree, and calls the parse() method for the child node, with pstate pointing to this new child. If it does not match, the child is removed in the state, else it is kept, with its possible descendants.


node The grammar node.
pstate The node of the parsing tree.
strvec The input string vector.


On success: the number of matched elements in the input string vector (which can be 0), or EC_PARSE_NOMATCH (which is a positive value) if the input does not match the grammar. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set.

struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_get_root (struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get the root of the parsing tree.

You may also use EC_PNODE_GET_ROOT() instead, that keeps the const statement.


pnode A node in the parsing tree.


The root of the parsing tree.

struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_get_parent (const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get the parent node in the parsing tree.


pnode A node in the parsing tree.


The parent node, or NULL if it is the root.

struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_get_first_child (const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get the first child of a node in the parsing tree.


pnode A node in the parsing tree.


The first child node, or NULL if it has no child.

struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_get_last_child (const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get the last child of a node in the parsing tree.


pnode A node in the parsing tree.


The last child node, or NULL if it has no child.

struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_next (const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get the next sibling node.

If pnode is the root of the parsing tree, return NULL. Else return the next sibling node.


pnode A node in the parsing tree..


The next sibling, or NULL if there is no sibling.

const struct ec_node * ec_pnode_get_node (const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get the grammar node corresponding to the parsing node.


pnode A node in the parsing tree.


The corresponding grammar node, that issued the parse.

void ec_pnode_del_last_child (struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Unlink and free the last child.

Shortcut to unlink and free the last child of a node. It is a quite common operation in intermediate nodes (like ec_node_seq, ec_node_many, ...) to remove a subtree that was temporarily added when during the completion process.


pnode A node in the parsing tree which has at least one child.

struct ec_dict * ec_pnode_get_attrs (struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get attributes associated to a node in a parsing tree.

Attributes are key/values that are stored in a dictionary and attached to a node in the parsing tree. An attribute can be added to a node by the parsing or completion method of an ec_node.


pnode A node in the parsing tree.


The dictionary containing the attributes.

void ec_pnode_dump (FILE * out, const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Dump a parsing tree.


out The stream where the dump is done.
pnode The parsing tree to dump.

const struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_find (const struct ec_pnode * root, const char * id)

Find a node from its identifier.

Find the first node in the parsing tree which has the given node identifier. The search is a depth-first search.


root The node of the parsing tree where the search starts.
id The node identifier string to match.


The first node matching the identifier, or NULL if not found.

const struct ec_pnode * ec_pnode_find_next (const struct ec_pnode * root, const struct ec_pnode * prev, const char * id, bool iter_children)

Find the next node matching an identifier.

After a succesful call to ec_pnode_find() or ec_pnode_find_next(), it is possible to get the next node that has the specified id. There are 2 options:

  • continue the depth-first search where it was interrupted.
  • skip the children of the current node, and continue the depth-first search.

root The root of the search, as passed to ec_pnode_find().
prev The node returned by the previous search.
id The node identifier string to match.
iter_children True to iterate the children of "prev", false to skip them.


The next node matching the identifier, or NULL if not found.

size_t ec_pnode_len (const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get the total number of elements in a parse node.

size_t ec_pnode_matches (const struct ec_pnode * pnode)

Get the number of matches.


Generated automatically by Doxygen for Libecoli from the source code.

Referenced By

The man pages ec_parse(3), ec_parse_child(3), EC_PARSE_NOMATCH(3), ec_parse_strvec(3), ec_pnode(3), ec_pnode_del_last_child(3), ec_pnode_dump(3), ec_pnode_dup(3), ec_pnode_find(3), ec_pnode_find_next(3), EC_PNODE_FOREACH_CHILD(3), ec_pnode_free(3), ec_pnode_free_children(3), ec_pnode_get_attrs(3), ec_pnode_get_first_child(3), ec_pnode_get_last_child(3), ec_pnode_get_node(3), ec_pnode_get_parent(3), ec_pnode_get_root(3), EC_PNODE_GET_ROOT(3), ec_pnode_get_strvec(3), EC_PNODE_ITER_NEXT(3), ec_pnode_len(3), ec_pnode_link_child(3), ec_pnode_matches(3), ec_pnode_next(3) and ec_pnode_unlink_child(3) are aliases of ecoli_parse(3).

Version 0.4.0 Libecoli